
Discussion in 'Politics' started by Oni~, Oct 6, 2015.

  1. #1 Oni~, Oct 6, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 6, 2015
    To think that there will be no more World Wars and less and less war in general?

    Given the media coverage, and perhaps more importantly social media connectivity that seems to only be going up and up, does it not seem like the planet would erupt in outrage over any sort of blatant Hitlerish invasion or behavior?

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying we are a peaceful planet currently, but we are far more connected and informed about what occurs on it. When Putin invades the Ukraine Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and millions of sites go up in flames about it. This includes reporting, professional and social media, being offered from ground zero at all times. We often talk about what the military may hide, but it is also fact that people are far more involved with what goes on in war than they have ever been in the past. The tech is bringing it to you 24/7. Most notably, not just from professional journalists, but from social media from citizens on the ground as well. Media brought to you in from of 1080P cameras.

    While we can all agree on corrupt politicians existing, it is generally understood in the 1st world that War = Bad. No citizen population wants it, and no politician is allowed to openly want it. Continuing my naivete, I will presume that most of them genuinely do not want it.

    Considering the aforementioned 24/7 connectivity between the citizenry, and the general anti-war sentiment, does it not seem logical that unless a major catastrophe occurs, halting all progress in what is currently considered the 1st world, that sentiment will continue to steer further development and war will eventually become a dark remnant of a dark past?


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