One plant beginning to turn yellow badly. Help

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by Baaooaoaoajaj, Oct 6, 2015.

  1. one plant looks great, the other looks like it's dying!
    These are 3 weeks old now. Temp has been 75-85 degrees. Did use some rooters mycorrhizae (attached pic) last week but other than that are not sure what it could be? Watered every few days - just flushed today.
    Any advice? Thanks


    Attached Files:

  2. Anyone?? Figured this might be common. Would like to fix it ASAP.
  3. What are you feeding?
  4. nothing. Water every 2-3 days
  5. You don't just water every 2 to 3 days, especially with small plants like that in containers that are too those. Next time, start your plants in Solo cups with a bunch of drain holes punched in the bottom. Keeping the area that the plant has to root into small lessens the amount of time it takes for the plant to get rooted in and get the foliage going. It also helps create a good tight root ball. Since the plant does all it's root work first, the larger the container, the longer the wait. Do you check and adjust the pH of the water you give your plants? How do you determine that every 2 to 3 days is when the plant needs water? You have to maintain definite wet/dry cycles when watering one of these plants. Not allowing the roots to dry out to some degree can cause root rot and a generally unhappy plant. You water the plant with correctly pH'd water (6.3 to 6.7 for soil) and don't touch it again until the pot feels as dry as it did when you put your plant into that container with dry soil. You shouldn't need any kind of additives right now. The soil should contain everything that those plants need for a few weeks since you have them in those big pots. Typically, they'll stay in the Solo cups for 7-9 days, then into a 1 gal. pot for the same amount of time, and pot up gradually by size until you get to the size you want to flower the plant off in. The new leaves that are fixing to sprout out on that second plant look brown and burned. This stuff you gave it....did you go by the directions for an established plant? If so, you very likely could've burned that plant with it...not sure. When you are looking for the answer to a problem with one of these, always give us as much information as you can about your setup and process. The more we know, the easier it is to figure out what direction to go. TWW

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