caught smoking during lunch

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by x-dynamic-skillz, Oct 5, 2015.

  1. Lool when I was in grade nine, I decided to smoke a j with a few of my boys during lunch (my lunch was about 50 min) so we head to a park just 2 min away from school. While we were smoking, another buddy of ours came with another G and a bong so we spent a good 20 min smoking and while we were high as shit we heard the bell ring from school. Tripping balls, we didn't want to be late in fear we would get caught lool so we rush to school and I end up being 10 min late. I had business and when i finally get to class, they're in a middle of a presentation and im high as fuck. i keep banging on the door for someone to open it not realizing my teacher and my class yelling at me to wait. LOL when she opened the door, she asked why i was late and i made up some bs. She gave me THAT look, considering the fact i danked but she just let me in and didnt give a f. Lmaoo any stories of how you got caught?

  2. sooo last week?
  3. I started smoking bud at 13 yet luckily, I never got caught in the act by the authorities (teachers, police, parents).

    I had some real close shaves though. Man, i'm reminiscing now! I might as well put a story out there, i'm pretty baked right now

    I remember when i was 15, it was the last day of term in year 10. I got to school that morning as usual and met my best bud. He'd brought a bit of weed in to school, but at the time he couldn't roll and needed me to do the deed.
    I told him I would roll it up in my next class, Deutsche mit Frau Keen. He didn't really believe me but he passed me the weed and I said I would meet him after next period. I should mention, the lesson took place in an "annexe" (like a little building in the school grounds)

    Anyway, I went into the lesson as normal and took a seat at the back of the class. The kid sat with me was a skaterbro. I took my stuff out of my bag and whenever the teacher turned to write on the whiteboard, i commenced a little farther in the rolling process. I can't believe how brazen I was looking back; I'm surprised I don't have possession charges.
    I glanced out of the window briefly and my best bud was looking at me with the hugest grin on his face, he was impressed I went through with it. Skaterbro thought I was pretty mental too. But after the class ended we went to the rugby pitch and smoked it up!

    I never got caught in the act but that's not to say my parents never found my shit.
    I remember my 17th birthday. I was working a late shift because of money etc and really looking forward to getting home for a smoke. I had a gram left so I figured I'd make a nice L-Sheeter and smoke it in the back yard, with my parents being asleep.
    I got home, flopped down on the sofa. Just as I expected, I was the only one awake. So I turned the tv on in the living room and started rolling my joint, I put discovery channel on in the background. Fuck yeah, discovery channel. I finished the roll and man, it looked a tasty smoke.
    The next thing I remember is being awoken by my very angry mother. She tore the joint up in front of me and threw it in the bin. I couldn't believe it, what a waste! I was really tired and fell asleep watching TV. What a bummer

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