no rolling papers

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by daalois, Oct 3, 2015.

  1. this might sound like a stupid question but which brand of gum do you guys think is the best to use the wrappers to roll with? im not gonna go out and buy the gum when i can just buy rolling papers but im just wondering in case i run out of papers

  2. None. Although I've seen someone take a five gum wrapper and wrinkle it. Then peel off the foil so you're left with a thin tissue paper
    Burns up like cotton though lmao
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  3. definitely don't use gum wrappers, not going to lie back in the day we would use empty water bottles and 5 gums wrappers to make pipes. Did the job but at what cost?

    Just stock up on papers or buy a cheap glass pipe in case you run out.
  4. If your old enough to buy papers then you are old enough to buy cigs, unpack and restuff, pull out filter
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  5. more kids on GC
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  6. Yeah Just dont
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  7. When I first started smoking, I would use gum papers for rolling papers. They always burned too fast. I wouldn't recommend it. Instead, I recommend just smoking out of an apple if you have nothing else.

  8. Personally zig-zags are my favoriate.
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  9. OCB but why no papers, you not old enough?
  10. I don't know ANYONE who had to smoke in such a rush when they were out of papers (how did such a thing happen in the first place) and could not go to the corner store to buy a pack of papers...takes all of a few minutes.

    I could imagine a scenario where people too young to be on a site like this where one is supposed to be 18 might have problems though...

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  11. Ew, zigzag & top papers. Raw papers 4 lyfe.
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  12. I only pay $2.89 for 300 raw 1 1/4's.....he's either under 18, or he can't let his parents find his papers/stash
  13. If you have to stoop to that level might as well pluck a blank page from the bible. But if you can't buy a 2$ pack of papers you're probably not old enough to be on this site.
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  14. Agreed about zigzags being "ew". They taste like notebook paper or tea bags.

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