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Who will know?

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by bluemoogle, Oct 1, 2015.

  1. Hi guys

    I'm considering applying for a medicinal marijuana license but I'm a little concerned about how it could affect my future long term. I live in Vancouver, Canada where medicinal pot is legal but I want to know who could have access to my records stating that I use marijuana medically. I am already using weed to combat some of my ailments so THC is already in my blood. If I was planning to go into a job and I failed a drug test, would that completely ruin my chance of being hired for that job? But what if I explained that the treatment was medical and not recreational? Does it matter?

    Basically the questions I need answered are:

    If I was travelling across the boarder into the US would I be more liable for a search if they had that information?

    Could it affect any of my family members crossing the border or applying for jobs or other government related things? (Mortgages, loans, etc.)

    If I quit the dispensary is my record still on file?

    If I got pulled over for an unrelated offence could I be ticketed for possession as well?

    What jobs require drug tests or for sure will not hire you if you fail one?

    Thank you Vancouverites!

  3. I don't know since you're in Canada. Here in the states, we have the HIPPA laws which make it quite difficult for anyone to get hold of your personal information...medical or otherwise. Does Canada have any sort laws like this? Regardless, if you go about it in the right way and keep it all above board, then it shouldn't be able to affect you in the future at all...IMO. TWW
  4. That's a whole lot of questions you've asked but to answer the main ones:

    1) Access to records - It's highly unlikely (but not impossible of course) that anybody, especially overseas, will get access to these records.

    2) Job interview & drug test - your best bet is to disclose your situation fully (and provide applicable proof) upon taking any drug test. But also bear in mind that in most cases THC only stays in your bloodstream for 4-10 days so with a bit of pre-planning you shouldn't have any issues passing the test in the first place.

    3) US - as the US comprises of 50 states with varying laws, you'll have to do your research first. Some states don't allow you to have any THC in your system full stop, others disallow buying and using but not 'being high' and others are perfectly fine with medical use so long that you're licensed accordingly.


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