How long does it make you to get high after smoking?

Discussion in 'General' started by holliec420, Oct 1, 2015.

  1. A minute or two before I finish a joint or a couple of minutes after I smoke a bowl.
  2. When i hit a bong i feel it like 5 seconds after i exhale. When i vape it takes a couple minutes but never more than 10. When i vaporbong i feel it instantly.
  3. Inhale smoke, feel it in my lungs, brain registers the high. Weed is great and a bong hit is where it's at first time every time. A spoon bowl will take like 3-4 puffs before feeling good is activated.
  4. 1 hit, by the time I exhale all the smoke I am feeling great.
  5. With smoke, a semi instant rush followed by the full onset of the high 2-4 minutes later.

    While Vaping; I feel the effects after a puff or two and more so half way through a bowl. And then 10 minutes later I'm wrecked. Ramblingggs.......
  6. About 3 minutes for this guy
  7. If I take a 1/4 gram dab straight to the dome, I'm feelin it before I'm done exhaling.
  8. I'm usually high after I've smoked half a joint, or I've had a couple of hits on the pipe. Depends on the strain though ofc. However if it's taking you longer than normal to get baked then either have words with your dealer or maybe try having a few days off (yes it's hard, I know!)

    Also if I smoke early in the day I usually don't feel quite as high when I smoke that evening, you just get on that level you know what i mean
  9. I get much higher in the morning than night
  10. for myself I feel the acute effects mid bong hit to after exhaling my hit. and full effects........ I don't know I just go along then I realise I'm high maybe a minute or so after.
    for a pipe id say a minute or so. but I tend to savour my hits. what would last me a snap or a hit and a half in the bong might last me 4-6 in a pipe

  11. Me too; I meant that if I smoke In the morning, then sober up, and I go on to spark up again later that day then I don't feel as high as I would if I didn't smoke earlier on in the day.
  12. Same same. I experienced this today specifically and was thinking how nice a wake and bake really was
  13. Hits don't seem to make all that much of a difference for me. 5 to 5 minuets to tell if its working . 10, 15 or 30 minuets to peek. So I kinda guess it's like more mellow and longer instead of intense and fast.
  14. I start feelin good after like 2 hits :) haha
  15. Usually within a couple of hits (from a spoon). That's not the peak of it, but I'm usually feeling something by the second hit.
  16. It depends on the weed for me. Usually it's after the first hit of I'm using my favourite bong. Takes 2 or 3 hits off my mates pipe. Vaping takes a little longer, probably around 7 minutes before it starts to slowly kick in.
  17. Myself, what gets me high the fastest is to smoke several "micro bowls" as I call them. Level 1/16 tsp and usually smoke 10-12 bowls like that my high comes on quicker and lasts longer.
  18. If it's some good bud then I usually feel it the moment i exhale
  19. 2-3 minutes I think
  20. Roughly 4 min then it hits me n i smile

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