..and another one bites the dust♫♪♫

Discussion in 'Politics' started by cball, Sep 25, 2015.

  1. Then get rid of the welfare system too.

  2. Because they provide services through Medicare and Medicaid like so many other places. It's not like the gov is blindly handing them money, they are paying for services that they are obligated to provide based on Medicare and Medicaid system. If you get rid of pp clinics it will lead to other clinics/hospitals being overloaded in many different areas. The money isn't going to abortion services directly although you could make an argument that they are able to provide more abortion services because of the funding, but to me it's pretty negligible since I don't consider abortion murder like a large percent of our population. I would rather my tax money go to helping people out with medical services and abortions than going to new missile systems to shoot at assholes in the Middle East. The thing is we must accept that there are certain things which our government funds that we don't believe in or even are morally opposed to. Human life is only valuable/sacred to these neo cons if they are a fetus or American citizen. Otherwise killing innocent people in drone strikes is an acceptable collateral damage.
  3. I was trying to understand exactly what compromise nativetongues would find acceptable and that was my motivation for asking him. I didn't expect him to find any compromise acceptable and was pleased when he actually came up with one. Reread my posts and tell me how you came up with the shit you just posted. I think you simply pulled it out of your ass tough guy.
  4. ya, I did pull it out of my ass, as a counter hyperbolic spin job to your hyperbolic spin on the PP topic...that was obvious enough (even said so in my post).

  5. Once the water works came with the Pope, it was a done deal. Boehner gets free spray tans for life.

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