Why I started getting high before work.

Discussion in 'General' started by JurkinMahGurkin, Sep 15, 2015.

  1. #1 JurkinMahGurkin, Sep 15, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 15, 2015
    I won't go into too much about my job description but I work a job dealing with customers all of the time. Recently one of my supervisors made me do all of the dirty work she was too lazy to do It is in her job description as well as mine to share the duties. She was rude each morning and She stirred feelings of hatred. After 9 months of work I about had it, She is not completely at fault I do not often obey authoritative figures anyways, Went for my lunch break smoked a fat doob had 2 hits of my pipe came back blazed as hell. And I could do my job with better efficiency, I can handle my indicas quite well. Well to the point, my boss talked about a promotion but I figure I will keep blazing. I manage to piss her off with my stupid stoner retorts I don't really have plans for staying and I made note of that. I suggest you all try a sativa if you are a low tolerance smoker, I smoke sour Diesel which helps me feel pleasant and I find I can communicate better with angry old lady customers who complain 5x.
    see I learned that while being high you are looking for tranquility and to be passified.

    P.S. nobody has commented on a "strange skunky smell yet I'm toking 1.5 months strong at work, and I smoke Good skunky ass dank like 3 hits of this in a 1 hitter will make you donezies.

  2. I feel you man. I had to put up with so much bullshit at one of my past jobs that if they did not regularly drug test us I would have began coming in high.
  3. The thing about the black market is that you don't know what you'll get. So while I'd love to follow your advice and smoke sativa strains in particular, the reality is I don't have that freedom of choice lol
  4. #4 JurkinMahGurkin, Sep 15, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 15, 2015
    Oh I live near medical dispensaries but good luck. I have a doctors note on my phone for backup evidence whenever I need to surrender and own up.
  5. i clipped all the other stuff and left what found most pleasing. [​IMG]
  6. Some people are just negative, and it makes their attitude about life and work suck. I speak up when I encounter people like that and tell them they are creating a hostile work environment, and need to cut it out before it gets the company sued. It is the classic misery loves company; and the only solution is to tell them to stfu basically and think right.
  7. I've tried it but found it made my work unbearable. I used a tape measure constantly and had to use my judgement as to where to place fasteners in walls of new expensive homes, the stress of possibly screwing up wasn't worth it.....
  8. I deal with the guvment, so I need it to understand their idiocracy.
  9. You remind me of this kid I work with who thinks he's hotshit for the same reasons.
  10. I like your username
  11. **Makes thread to justify to himself getting high before work
  12. #12 JurkinMahGurkin, Sep 16, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 16, 2015
    and is that a problem? I want to see your takes on it if you work a job that is rather mindless its something you can do easily.
  13. I'm high all day every day whether I'm working or not. I don't disagree with smoking before work. I just don't make threads telling people how I'm high always...
  14. #14 JurkinMahGurkin, Sep 16, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 16, 2015
    well you are very cool your point?

  15. ^Feeling these negative vibes^
  16. You act like you are the only one that has had to deal with customers and inept management. It is part of life.

    Welcome to the rest of your life until you are ready to deal with your problems rather than hide from them>>>>Low paying jobs.


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