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Drug Testing

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by dunkhound, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. So here's the timeline...

    July 1-28th: smoked a bowl every day
    August 1st: smoked a bit
    August 5th: smoked a bowl
    August 12th: smoked a pinch hitter

    My test is August 31st. I'm a 6'9" male, 250 pounds, fairly athletic build (with a little cushion). Mediocre metabolism. Been drinking as much water and tea as possible since August 27th, starting cranberry juice tonight.

    Any guesses as to if I'll pass a urinalysis? I'm not sure if it will be watched or not, but I can easily sub if not observed.

  2. What kind of test is it? Sent to a lab or results shown on the spot?
  3. I honestly have no clue. They specified a location so I'm assuming the test is there?
  4. Well yeah the test is there but they could send it to a lab or test it there. If its there google "N2 dilution tips" in google and follow that. If they send it to a lab substitute or youre fucked
  5. #5 dunkhound, Aug 29, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 29, 2015
    Will buying a test and taking it give me any indication of whether I will actually pass or fail? For example, if I get a test and it comes up negative, will it likely do so in the test too?

  6. Yeah man theyre suppose to be 99.8% accurate. make sure its FDA cleared. Its like the same kinda test they use as the pretest as long as its the same cut off level.

  7. So I haven't smoked in 108 days and I have a 90 day hair follicle test, will I pass?

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