Love being high and driven around

Discussion in 'General' started by AuhMayZing, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. maybe it's just me, but having someone drive (usually sober) and having a sesh is probably one of the best experiences I can have with bud.

    I used to hang out with this friend who would have his mom drive her van around with two other friends I know, and we would roll a blunt and pass it around while we bumped some dope tunes with his $300 stereo. I'd always like to bring some extra bud and some raw papers and not say anything until we were just done smoking and surprise em' with a fat jay. Just all around cool experience because everyone got to enjoy their high, not a whole lot of conversation so you could just zone out and vibe to the music and not worry about cops harassing you or anything. They had a white lab that chilled in the middle who was super friendly, which was pretty badass.

    anyone got similar experiences, stories, opinions on being driven around? lemme hear em'


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