Crazy drunk experience

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by teenagealcoholic710, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. Hey fellow pot heads. Okay so here's my story about me night I was really drunk and lost my pack of cigs Garett's so I k like okay no big squeak I bet I left them at the bank ... So I go to the bank don't see anything but as I look around I see a something that looks like a pack of cigs so I'm like fuck it what so I have to lose so I check it out and what do you know it's a dull pack if Marlboro reds which wasn't my pack of cigshen when I get home I found my Newport s #trippyexperiences I'm drunk rn
  2. -.-
    Would not read again
  3. Thats why being High > being drunk
  4. A typical post from the grasshitty section of GC. Teenage alcoholic... lol quit breaking the law
  5. heh, pretty ironic considering this a forum dedicated to a drug that still illegal in most of the U.S and the world....
  6. heh it was a joke. Hence the lol
  7. this thread is no big squeak
  8. me no comprendo

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