Did 6,000,000 Jews really die in the holocaust?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by WubbaLubbaDubDub, Aug 26, 2015.

  1. Massively fabricated numbers to gain compassion?

    No way.
  2. Does it really matter?

    Its a fact that the camps existed and that hitler rounded up specific people in mass to fill them. Jews among others.

    Who cares if its 60000 or 60000000???

  3. #23 WubbaLubbaDubDub, Aug 28, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 28, 2015
    Historically the holocaust has mattered a lot, it's not like it doesn't matter. Why in some countries individuals down playing the holocaust is a crime? That seems like a violation of free speech to me
  4. forgive me.if I said it wrong. I didn't mean the Holocaust doesn't matter.

    I meant the exact number of deaths doesn't really matter.

    Either way we know Germany fucked up

  5. As a European living in the US, I have to point this out to people all....the....time.

    To so many in the US WW2 = Holocaust. They have to be reminded that other people died too and at what scale. In my case, 5 family members, no one Jewish.

    Like previous posters already mentioned, regardless of what the numbers are, we agree Germany fucked up and atrocities were committed, but there is a disproportionate reporting focus on the Holocaust vs WW2 as a whole in the US.

    Europe itself, which had to go through the war first hand is a lot more aware and reflecting on the overall casualties. America focuses on Holocaust first, overall war and casualties second. In the case of the less educated, they are >completely unaware< of the total casualty number and the fact that other groups, like gypsies, blacks, Slavs, or the disabled, were persecuted.

  6. Its all the bullshit and hypocrisy i cant stand.

    Other week some British was made look like a criminal cz he dared to smile while on a trip to Auschwitz.
    "We need to educate the kids more" was the outcry.

    Another 2 kids were hauled off by the police when they lifted a bit broken glass and a hinge and stuck it in thier bag.

    Yea yea they shouldn't have did that,but the outcry and way they were treated as if they ran the fucking place lol
  7. #27 VikingToker, Aug 28, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 28, 2015
    I see what you're saying, but I think there's a massive difference, and that numbers of dead and the perception of a tragedy make a huge difference in world politics.

    [edited for brevity]
  8. The shit they did to like polish people was beyond fucked up. They just like rounded up and hung a lot of the high ranking polish people doctors, lawyers and scholars. On top of that they would often rape the polish woman in the streets and all sorts of horrible shit. Also no one talks about the fucked yo shit going on between Japan and China during ww2 as well. The place I actually learned the most about persecution of non Jews was at the holocaust museum in Israel actually. The Israeli museum paints a much fuller picture of what Hitler did to groups who weren't Jewish than a lot of the previous history I had learned. I agree though that in the U.S. It's disproportionately taught considering that even Israeli museums paint a fuller more objective picture it seems than American museums.
  9. Not really sure where you're going with this OP. Even if the numbers are off and they only killed a few million instead of the 6, what are you trying to say...?
  10. 22,000 polish officers executed and buried in mass graves in katyn forest.

    Germans blamed. Turned out it was not the germans but the Russians!

    Certainly makes you wonder about all these figures and stats from the war.
    Definitely cause to question history.
  11. 1 million three hundred thousand went to autshwitz, 2 hundred thousand survived
  12. Haven't you seen the greatest history never told bro, it's the true story about the war. The nazis were trying to take care of the Jews in those camps and the evil allies bombed all their supplies starving the Jews. On top of that gas chambers weren't to kill people but to get rid of lice. Hitler was just trying to take care of the Jews but the allies wanted to stop him. /s
  13. Are you fucking with us? Or entirely serious?
  14. I hate when an OP writes, "Discuss".

    Yes, he killed six million Jews, the Jewish population of Poland alone was wiped out, and this is a fact.

    Do yourself, and everybody else, a favor and stop putting bullshit threads like this up.
  15. The /s is for sarcasm. People use it on reddit a lot so I assumed people knew it but I probably should have made that clear haha. I was being entirely facetious. I think it's good to question history and that there's a lot of bias towards Jewish victimization, but people take that way too far and start to go down a rabbit hole of conspiracies. People should be critical but not so critical where they deny evidence in favor of their own beliefs.
  16. <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' >Haven't you seen the greatest history never told bro </blockquote>

    It is interesting but remember to watch it with a critical eye. We don't know if the maker of the film had a foregone conclusion and left out info that didn't go in that direction.

    The complete version is about six hours long. Here's a link to it.

    Some of the versions on YouTube are shorter so look for the long one if the above link goes dead.

  17. Nothing really. I'm not sayin millions of Jews didn't die, I just have skepticism. But now after thought I don't think the history will ever change... so I suppose we should move on to discuss present issues, the history of tomorrow

  18. :D:lol::lol::D

    I heard Japan didn't really bomb Pearl harbor either. They just sucked at flying and crashed.

    Asian drivers, shoulda known


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