Two journalists shot dead live on air

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Bluntzilla420, Aug 26, 2015.

  1. One of the worst videos I ever watched. The screenshot looks like something out of a Terminator movie.

    As a journalist myself, this troubles me. As someone who goes out and interviews people all the time, this is tragic and senseless. This could easily be spun into an anti-gun conversation, but this psycho wanted his 15 minutes of fame. It's pretty messed up on numerous accounts. RIP to these young souls.
  2. don't think i could watch something like that[​IMG]

    so sad tho

  3. I just saw that article on Yahoo like 5 minutes ago. I didn't watch the vid though.

    Further evidence of the breakdown of Western civilization.

  4. I really hope they catch these people. Someone please try to tell me now why you don't support the death penalty.

    This makes me so sad.
  5. Cause it costs a shitton of money and I would rather see someone who is a horrible human being live in prison the rest of their life than possibly sentence an innocent man to death. I think some cases like the Boston Bomber or if there is overwhelming evidence/confession then it should be considered cause it wouldn't be appealed as easily.
  6. What? No back ground? I am very curious but not brave enough to click the link.
  7. The video doesn't play automatically so if you'd just like to read the article you can.

    From reading the article it doesn't really seem like there's much of a story. A woman reporter was interviewing another woman about a dam or something and some people just walked up and shot them for no apparent reason. Completely senseless
  8. From my local radio: They just said that the suspect is likely a former employee of the station, and the cops are on his ass right now.
  9. I think all journalists should arm themselves or at least have more security when working outside the newsroom.
  10. I can tell if you're sarcastically making fun of like the school shooting we should arm the teachers reaction or if you're serious. Sorry if I'm coming across as offensive I'm legitimately just curious if you were being sarcastic or not .
  11. No sarcasm . I think they should arm themselves . I'm not an anti-gun person in the slightest.
  12. Guess what else costs a lot? Keeping someone in prison for $30k/year for the rest of their natural life. Personally, I think if there's overwhelming evidence you committed capital murder (which is far worse than a homicide offense alone), I'd rather pay for a bullet and call it a day.

    And you can't be wishy washy on the death penalty. You're either for it or against it....can't be like, 'Well this person deserves it and this person doesn't.' You're talking about putting ppl to death. Objectivity should not be lost.
  13. Cops chasing him, just heard he committed suicide.
  14. I just dunno if I can watch it...I feel like it'll ruin my day.

    Either way tho....the article says the Gov. of Virginia said the suspect is a disgruntled tv station employee. And the plot thickens...
  15. hmmm this will fuel the scumbag news channels for at least a day or two.

    Time to start the cycle up, worship the killer, dance on the bodies, spew tired old rhetoric, then back to taint sucking politicians.

    Why is this posted in politics. Was this guy running for mayor or something?

  16. I watched the Go-Pro video . No one seemed to even notice the gunman and he had his pistol drawn the entire time. He walks right behind the camera man and anchor, in front of the person being interviewed , pistol still in hand. Then he waits for a couple seconds til he fires off some rounds. The anchor runs away and the camera pans out. It looks like something straight out of Nightcrawler. It's pretty sickening because you can tell this was all for some sort of attention.
  17. he offed himself
  18. seems like he did it cause of "muh raysism"

    thats almost ironic in a way, since the media is the tip of the spear in keeping racism alive and keeping us all divided. Looks like it came back to bite them in the ass.


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