WoW questions? Help?

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by JedixJ, Aug 24, 2015.

  1. Im currently playing the starter edition of wow. I plan to pay up and keep playing but im confused. It keeps popping up saying to buy the wow starter edition for $20. Do i need to buy the starter edition or can i just buy game time to play the game? They didn't explain it well
  2. You'll have to buy it. It comes with the first 30 days free, though!
  3. With free trials you will be limited to a lot of things in game. There's a level cap (not the max cap), being able to accept trade goods I believe and chatting with other players is very strict. I haven't played a freebie in a while so they might of made more changes the last I heard about it.

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