Disturbing Yet Amazing Images Expose The Sad Truth About Modern Culture (Graphic Images)

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by 432, Aug 24, 2015.

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  1. #1 432, Aug 24, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 24, 2015
    They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and while the notion may be cliché at this point, it remains a universal truth, particularly in our current age of short attention spans and snack-sized wisdom. We want to know more, but we want it quicker, shorter, easier.

    And so I could spend days writing about the ills of modern society – how disconnected we've become through technology, how consumed we are by material wealth, how sick and-miserable our lifestyles have made us (just to name a few) – and hope that people take the time to read it. Some might, some might not. But the people who do may very well be the ones who are already informed, who already invest their energy into learning about what's going on in the world.

    Or I could simply let these images speak for themselves. I don't need to preach to the choir (since you lovely CE readers comprise some of the very engaged and informed public to whom I referred).

    These were created by Steve Cutts, an illustrator and animator working in London, and shared by Arch20 Magazine. And just to warn you, these are not for the faint of heart.

    (Titles not provided – these are simply my own interpretations.)

    The Consumerist Cycle

    The Rat Race


    The Money Trap


    The New Food Pyramid

    Do you interpret these images differently? Do you agree with his vision of modern society?

    Source: http://www.collective-evolution.com

  2. Copy, paste, post.

  3. being as they are cartoons designed to implant a particular idea this should come as no surprise, but all of those pictures are intentionally deceptive.

    They are all strawmen

  4. It seems like its never ending propaganda from posters of their nature...
  5. You always post useless first world problems shit and then act like people aren't going to call you on it

    "capitalism is evil"
    "fluoride is killing us and giving us cancer"

  6. You basically stole this post.
    Make up your own propaganda..
  7. Also if you don't like it here that much, then fucking move. Nobody is forcing you to stay here, plus it's nuts like you who make us proud Americans look like shit.
  8. #8 432, Aug 26, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 26, 2015
    Not sure who you are referring too but your message made me realize...

    Its proud Americans like you that think they are the whole world and America is the only country that exists and the only special one.

    You guys are a joke to the rest of the world, We sit and laugh and advance and grow far more in countless ways spiritually & technologically while you war with yourselves and your own corrupt government sending your men to war to fight a war just because few of your rich jews that run your country got into a disagreement with other countries as they don't want to trade anymore with america because there using the material and technology for violence and corruption.


    Keep watching TV, Consuming chemicals in your junk and processed foods and water supply which render the critical thinking part of the brain useless along with pharmaceuticals and becoming brainwashed products that don't understand the universe one bit. Simply existing in an artificial world and not actually living and thriving to create a better world for humanity.

    Talk about logical thinking. Do you guys not know these forums can be used from other countries around the world?


  9. #9 432, Aug 26, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 26, 2015
    I honsetly don't care i will keep posting and SPITTING TRUTH in your faces whether you like it or not.

    Try stop us.

    #Anon [​IMG]

  10. Pics worth a thousand words?


    As another post said. First world problems. Your anti captilaism pictures are not photos they are drawing and do not represent reality.

    The bottom 50% of people in the world live like kings compared to the peasent class of historic times

  11. I didn't steal nothing, Im simply sharing.

    Wake up to yourself.

  12. #12 432, Aug 26, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 26, 2015
    Truth Hurts and i can clearly see how its effected most of you. You're simply responding out of Ignorance & Denial.

    People don't want the TRUTH, They only want constant reassurance that what they believe and have been fighting for is the ONLY Truth.

  13. what truth?

    I am the bottom of the bucket peasent class nobody .

    That is truth

    And yet I have a nice place to live, hot running water, power, internet, food, and many other comforts

    Oh the horror of being a slave to the capitalist society where I'm not allowed to plow fields all day and shower once a year

  14. You didn't present any truth. Just subjective artwork rooted in strawman. Bullshit propaganda. Same propaganda our government pushes.
  15. This...

    If you don't live in America it's kinda funny that you think you know and can judge how Americans live day to day. I'd say things are pretty good here comparatively so keep speaking that truth haha.

    Side note wtf is up with that dudes stomach? Is that a hernia because that is disgusting
  16. Clearly your clicker isn't clicking :p

  17. World wide Communism has my vote.
  18. that would definitely take care of the population problem
  19. There we go..

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