America just admitted that cannabis DOES kill cancer cells

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by M369, Aug 20, 2015.

  1. "liked" it but really LOVED it

    great day for medical marijuana[​IMG]

  2. Hopefully were closer to some changes federally insteadd of state by state. I mean....its about time eh?

    How many states havne changed their laws up to this point? Shit, just in the past 10 years alone many have.

    This is dope[​IMG]
  3. #4 TheAnswer121, Aug 20, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 20, 2015
    they certainly cant say there are no benefits to marijuana

    only a matter of time till its off the Schedule 1 list

  4. Does anyone know the actual date the National Cancer Institute updated their site to reflect this acknowledgment?
  5. Wow!! That's cool...[​IMG]
  6. Hahah just posted about this. Glad that it is getting around. There is going to be a big change coming
  7. About time they recognize, people have been saying this for years and the government never wanted to admit their wrong. This is yet another step in this cannabis revolution. Time to roll one up and celebrate.
  8. This is around the time we figure out that people aren't in the business of curing cancer.
  9. Until someone figures a way to make something from cannabis.... It works a bit now as they have shown with the study. But imagine a bunch of research down the road...
  10. Hopefully they will take marijuana off the schedule 1 drug list, where it never belonged in the first place.
  11. It seems we're moving toward that. I was reading a recent poll that indicates both dems and GOP want the feds to butt out of the state's legalization decisions. That's just a hop, skip and a jump away from removal from sched 1.

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