1. Did grasscity change the way of posting pics lately. Ive done it before. But i cant figure out how to do it now
  2. I am also having the same problem
  3. there are a few different ways you can post pictures. my personal favorite is dragging, and dropping the picture into the text box. you can also press the link image button (5th from right), and paste the url of the picture. make sure the url you paste is to the picture, and not the site for example imgur. if i use this link http://imgur.com/gallery/tXet87m it wont actually show the picture, but if you right click, and copy image location you will get the actual picture url. then you can either use the link image button (5th from right), or simply paste it. if you need to upload the image as an attachment goto more reply options and scroll to the bottom


  4. Hi! How can I insert pictures inline with my post?

    Like post post.
    Post post

    I don't have an image host place and will only be posting from my phone. everytime I try to post the pics all go to the bottom of my post.
    Can this be done from my phone app without going to the main website??

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