What should we do about illegal immigration?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by nativetongues, Aug 19, 2015.

  1. I feel like this is a topic that is in the news a lot lately but I haven't seen too much around here. What you blades think about the immigration process, deportation of illegal immigrants, anchor babies, H1B working visas, and all the other immigration policies/ideas? Are people born in this country citizens? Should we end work visas for foreign workers? What should our policies be in regards to deporting illegal immigrants?
  2. All I know is that you Yanks are gonna be destroyed by Obama by the time his term is up for good.

    I am actually very surprised there hasn't been an attempt on his life based on his political ineptness and seemingly burning desire to throw America under the global bus.

  3. In my opinion citizenship shouldn't be given to children of illegal aliens. Since we apparently can't change that policy when the illegal parents are discovered and deported they should be given the choice of taking their baby with them or leaving it here for others to raise. I'm with Trump in that illegal aliens should be deported. We don't have to round them up, when we come across them that would be the time to send them on their way.
  4. Why does everyone wanna talk so bad bout wat this man like we weren't way more fucked up before him ppl like u keep us where we are in America
  5. #5 TheWhiteLighter, Aug 19, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 19, 2015
    Huh? A Canadian who is seeing from the outside the destruction of our neighboring country keeps America where it is? I speak of him and his party not of his race.

    Let's see since Obama we have ISIS (partly created by TERRIBLE foreign policies), a nuclear deal with Iran ( a country that vows the destruction of America), Race relations are worse than the last 30 yrs, unchecked immigration by the most poverty stricken, uneducated peoples from Mexico and central America (this damage will take decades to fix if at all)...... and he's not done yet. I could go on but I won't.

    You can't blame a Canadian like me for the state of America man. I feel bad for every American regardless of race. People like you seem to be going for the deaf and blind ride.

    Edit what good has come from the current administration?

  6. So we should add an amendment to change the 14th amendment then? I think it's impossible to deport anchor babies without changing the 14th amendment because that's how the Supreme Court has always interpreted it. How do you come across them exactly, like when they are arrested? Just playing devils advocate here, but what happens to industries like food picking where there is already a shortage in labor supply when you deport what is a considerable chunk of their work force. It's a sad truth that American companies can't find enough workers in some cases because people don't want these jobs. We can pretend like if we get rid of illegals, Americans will step in and decrease unemployment but this has been proven to not be the case in many industries like meat packing and other shit where Americans aren't eager to work these jobs since they are quite frankly kind of shitty tough jobs.

    Also how do you address the fact that a majority of people who are deported inevitably end up back in America. I mean we can increase border control majorly but there will always be ways around. You build a ten foot wall they'll buy an 11 foot ladder, that's the sad truth of the issue. I think we'd spend our money more effectively by increasing things like drone based surveillance along the border and increased border patrol agents than deporting people who may be beneficial members of society. People have this notion that illegal immigrants can only be a drain on the state but this is not necessarily true. Many studies have found that illegals paid a lot in sales tax, property taxes paid through rent, and even a large amount of people who paid income taxes under fake names. The study found that of the group they sampled, I forget how large but it was fairly significant, they were paying almost three times more in taxes than benefits they were receiving especially because people who paid income taxes under fake identities don't have any chance of reclaiming ss, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamp, or a litany of other federal benefits. I have no issue with them being able to claim benefits but I think this notion many have that illegals are solely a massive drain on our system and don't contribute to our economy is a false narrative. If an illegal immigrant makes money the spend it at American businesses just like any other consumer.

    I think we need to seriously reduce H1B visas for companies like Microsoft, Apple, and Disney where they are bringing in people to do jobs that Americans want to do and are going to school for like tech jobs at lowered rates. H1V visas need to be limited to jobs that don't require degrees or specialization since those are the sectors that have a shortage in labor supply. There is no shortage in labor supply for the positions that companies like the ones I listed are bringing people from overseas to do and it's an insult to Americans who made these companies what they are today. If any president is serious about American jobs then they will take on the Facebook and Apples to stop them from importing hundreds of thousands of people to take jobs that could most definitely be filled by Americans. It's not like the government doesn't have leverage, they literally have all control over immigration policy and visas.
  7. If you think race relations are worse than they were in 30 years it's not suprising you don't live in America. What we have is a media who loves sensationalism since we live in the era of buzzfeed clickbait I don't have more than three seconds of attention span. So yes there are major racial issues but they are being blown a little out of proportion and there are many issues that were just blatantly ignored like criminal justice reform. I think it's easy to get caught up in this notion that race relations are at an all time low but I think the simple fact is that these kind of shootings don't get the national spotlight only a couple years ago and are bending people's frame of reference. Shootings like these have been going on for a long time and the fact that we actually recognize when an officer is crossing the line now is just a sign of a society progressing. The problem is we have the idiots who take it too far and deny evidence like in the Mike Brown case and end up hurting the movement to stop sketchy assholes like the cop who shot Tamir Rice.

    ISIS is definitely a large part to blame on Obama but I would say the blame falls more in our foreign policy debacles from the Bush administration and obviously with the people I the region itself. The Bush administrations decision to go to war in the Iraq is very clearly a destabilizing force in the region. On top of that many believe the decision to essentially exile the Ba'athist party leaders in the new Iraqi government led to a lot of the turmoil that gave root to ISIS's spread in Iraq. After Obama pulled troops there was evidence of massive Ba'athist persecution/discrimination by the government and Obama did nothing which is in part his fault, but really I think stems more from Bush's decision to support the debaathificafion of the government to begin with, because inevitably America was going to have to get out of the region. If we were serious about supporting democracy then Bush should have said that members of either party should be involved in the political process and Obama should have stood up more for that as well.

    On top of that you have Obama deciding not take action in Syria and lead bombings against Assad which allowed Assad to continue his destruction which many experts believe fostered ISIS in an extreme way. When ISIS began to have victories against pro Assad forces where previous rebellions had failed the people began to support ISIS even if they weren't extreme because there was such strong anger with the Assad regime for their war crimes giving them new recruits. On top of that many believe they used the persecution of certain political parties in Iraq like the Ba'athists to recruit members in Iraq to fight against the Maliki regime who was committing massive civil rights violations. This lead to ISIS taking over large towns cities and even lots of military equipment as pro Maliki forces fled. So I definitely think there was more Obama could have done to contain the problem like air strikes in Syria but I think the roots of this issue were far beyond our control and some kind of extreme group was inevitably going to take hold once a power vacuum opened up in Iraq like the one that did. I think the belief that we could have 100 percent stopped this is based on hindsight and a false idea of how the ME operates historically. I think ISIS is a much harder thing to destroy than anyone is willing to admit. You can't kill a group like ISIS solely with rockets because there will be another group in 10-15 years whose family members were killed when we fought against Isis that starts an extremist group. These kind of problems are very cyclical and nuanced so they take a lot more than we're going to bomb them till they stop.
  8. I think we can't do anything about the kids born in the US from illegal immigrants and I don't think their families sould be deported. But I do think future illegal immigration should end, but really I don't know how, I don't know the logistics
  9. Offer full citizenship after 7 years in the US military, cheaper than drones. :)
  10. Yes, when illegals are discovered for any reason they should be deported. I understand the 14th amendment grants citizenship to all who are born here but why do you think it's impossible to deport the parents of these "anchor babies"?
  11. They immigrate to get work and safety<span class="redactor-invisible-space">. help mexico strengthen its economy and eradicate the cartels every mexican who doesnt speak english will return home</span>

  12. #warondrugs

  13. The Mexicans are like the Irish, Polish etc etc..They do not come seeking welfare, they are chasing the dream. They are no leeches.

    Now if I was an American tax payer i would be more worried about my government lavishing billions on a foreign state 'cough' Israel 'cough' than the lad mowing the lawn, painting my house or indeed building it.
  14. not to mention they're the richest country and still have 3rd world problems lol :p
  15. I'm Canadian, I disagree.

  16. I think deporting the children of the immigrants is incredibly asinine.

  17. That's BS for real. Sure Obama's shitty foreign policy bolstered ISIS, but it was Bush's action which led to that power vacuum in the first place. That deal with Iran was the best we could get, if we didn't have one there would of been no stalling. And all this Iran rhetoric is spewed from the Israelies who want nothing more than to turn Iran into a wasteland. Sure Iran "hates" the west but they'd be wiped off the planet before they could think of pressing a button to nuke us. Race relations haven't changed at all, it's just the new forefront issue. And the majority of that issue is based on police issues that we have been talking about for decades upon decades. It only seems worse because they actually report this kinda shit now.

    Illegal Immigrants been coming here for decades upon decades and we've already seen the worst influx so far. No destruction at all, they are just the new group of people to place all of our problems on. I see alot of illegals. Most of them work harder than any of these americans ever will.

    People hate on Obama but won't ever mention the good he's manage to do while dealing with a congress willing to block any type of progress for this type of reason. President's always get the blame even for shit that isn't their doing.
  18. How does your country deal with illegal immigrants? Do you guys allow illegals who steal someone's identity and bypass your immigration system to stay? When an illegal gives birth do you automatically give the child citizenship? I heard you deported the whole family when they come in illegally.
  19. There was a guy shooting at the white house with a rifle one day, he even hit the right windows but the Obamas were on vacation at the time. Plenty of people want to but its almost impossible.

    Hes gonna destroy the country as much as possible, say "at least i did better than bush" and retire with a fat presidential pension. Not right.
  20. I don't understand the thread title

    It is based on a false premise that there is such thing as illegal immigration, which there is not

    Then asks a loaded question "what should be done" when really nothing needs to be done

    Double double fallacy right from the start. Like a boss


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