Please tell me no one on this site is considering voting for Hillary Clinton or Jeb Bush

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Deleted member 472633, Aug 18, 2015.

  1. You can get a lot done in 24hrs. Ask Jack. :)

    JohnnyWeedSeed 2016
  2. GeeDoubleyuh looked presidential as well. Look what happened.
  3. Sometimes a society needs a martyr.. and could mean that you'd still do more for this country in 1 day than what the next puppet does in 4/8 years.
  4. ..sounds like you're being forced to spread propaganda...tough choice these days, to have a job, or tell the truth... try the old school thing from the 60's era, meet off campus with students unofficially so you can have a toke and discuss 'the man'.

    as to voting for a potus...don't forget that big C is always up for the job...
  5. I remember his Daddy during Gulf W1. I was working in a 24hr petrol station on the nightshift at the time and used to pass the time watching US "news" all night.

    Daddy Bush looked presidential. George always strikes me as a victim of foetal alcohol syndrome. I bet either Daddy or Mammy are lushes.
  6. Its sick how many people really are voting for them.

    We pretend to be democracy but this proves are are ruled by elite families.

  7. Hey James, kindly let me know who I should vote for in the upcoming Canadian elections [​IMG]
  8. To a certain extent. I also think it shows how stupid America is and how little they know about politics. People are so apathetic that anyone with a little name recognition Trump, Clinton, or Bush can kill it in the polls even if they're not the best candidate. To me it shows that Americas political system is plagued by apathy combined with massive monetary interests.
  9. Your response makes no sense ...a good example of why the country is uneducated about the things that matter most
  10. oh my god I laughed so hard. lol
  11. I would have executive orders that shut down every last iota of anything resembling a coercive state flying off my desk so fast they wouldn't even have time to throw them all through the paper shredder before the bullet went through my left eye.
  12. JohnnyWeedSeed 2016!

    Free weed for all! :p
  13. Might wanna rethink that. I don't give away anything for free that isn't my personal property. I sure as hell will make sure you aren't locked in a cage for growing your own though.
  14. Ben Carson 2016
  15. I can live with that. ;)
  16. the first order of business would be to abolish and criminalize any and all forms of taxation effectively shutting down every branch of government and a wholesale slaughter on politicians proving myself. Enjoy your real freedom but have fun trying to get free shit and entitlements after that.
  17. this went south fast. O.O
  18. I wonder when ppl will finally figure out...if you support candidates like Hillary Clinton or a Rubio on the other side, you are the problem. You are the blockade to any kind of real & righteous change in the political system. No matter how you slice the pie....I like ______ as a candidate bc of 'X' policies. Doesn't matter, YOU'RE THE PROBLEM. You're everything wrong w/ the country.

    If you're a D vote in the green party at least. If you're an R vote libertarian or whatever. Just stop voting for pepsi/coke duopoly and fucking everyone else in the process bc you're obsessed with either being on a certain team or beating a certain team.

    I swear we're at an impasse in human history where Evolution has been paused lol. Keeping it real! Real fucking dumb!
  19. I was gonna vote Jeb. He's got a cool name. Maybe I should reconsider Hillary?

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