Ultimate Crime

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Rylan0715, Aug 15, 2015.

  1. So I was thinking about the changing nature of crime over the years and how different it used to be. But seriously, people like Bonnie and Clyde and Dillinger could be famous criminals for robbing banks and shit and still get away with it countless times. Now, trying to rob a bank seems pointless. The only real crime that gets you famous now is terrorism and even then you don't love long enough to enjoy your fame.
  2. Certainly has changed.
    The most succesfull criminals of today are the ones who govern us!

    A stroke of pen and not a shot fired.

    I normally root for some criminals,but not that shower of cunts! Lol
  3. We all commit the biggest crime of all on a daily basis: smoking pot [​IMG]
  4. Someone could sit behind a keyboard and get more money then a bank ever could...
  5. Yeah the only ones getting pub these days are the terrorists and mass murderers.
  6. Keeps the bad publicity away from the suits.
  7. its because technology...

    back in the day, we didn't have the scientific (even though some of forensics is pseudoscience) technology that we have today...before DNA testing, they couldn't match blood, before DNA testing got in-depth all you could test was for blood type

    robbing banks is out because of technology, wireless connections to report to police, live internet camera feeds, automatic door lock downs, you just can't do it these days, you can still rob tellers, which people do and still sometimes get away with, but thats only around 10gs at a time...the dye-bomb helped hinder bank robberies too

    cell phones, everyone is walking around with a camera on their hip these days, people get seen doing the crime and recorded

    serial killers can still get "famous" but theyre fewer and far between now-a-days, because of techology getting them caught quicker...

  8. Instead of bank robbing now it's hacking into people's identities and shit. It's all done quietly so we usually don't hear about that kind of stuff.
  9. people are cracking cards bruh safer than robbing a bank.
  10. I always find it HILARIOUS when modern services ask you for your e-mail address at checkout, or encourage you to go online and shop with them. All this push for "get involved with us technologically!" , yet they are getting hacked left and right.

    VISA - hacked
    SONY - hacked several times
    Target - hacked
    Home Depot - hacked
    JP Morgan - hacked

    These are just few examples. Many more can be pulled up with rudimentary research.

    I am not as old fashioned to refuse to do any kind of digital business, but it does seem odd to be constantly encouraged to pledge information to companies while, them getting hacked is a frequent occurrence.

    If an acquaintance approaches you asking for personal data while being known for frequently leaking said data, you'd never comply. When it comes to dealing with companies, most seem to be oblivious or simply not care. Hacked Shmacked, gotta get that new I-phone tho....

    I digress...

    The media reports on the crimes they want to report on. Every high end underhanded deal ever completed got to live and continue on the tradition of underhanded deals precisely for that reason, because it was not caught when it occurred. Not reported on. Underhanded deals would not be so common if they mostly failed. They persist because they work.

    As such, the powers that be will not be reporting on any real top notch crime that works. How would that even look?

    "Yesterday in Connecticut, a dentist realized a loophole in congress appointed law that allowed him to legally earn $250K a year without ever lifting a finger for it."

    I know we were all raised to believe crime doesn't pay. Growing up teaches you that that is true, but only for some. Not for all.

  11. Hackers can't employ fractional reserve lending like banks currently do. Sure, a big enough botnet could net someone millions, but that's really, really small money compared to what banks can lend out.

  12. If you walk in and rob a bank your getting 5k before your scared shitless and run away and hide. Try it if you think you can better. However someone could sit behind a computer and steal credit card after credit card and rack up hundreds of millions in days
  13. #13 Mid man, Aug 22, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 22, 2015
    rack of hundreds of millions per days from credit cards? No.
    You realize, that these companies don't store your shit in plain text right? Like, they don't even know your passwords/credit card info. The only thing they actually know is your maybe your email, the rest of it is encrypted and can't be unencrypted. Pretty much the way this works

    Let's say your password is 'Fuck_you', this is then encrypted into something like 8E87560E44A7349B0CA02CAB7B736B4157B12FF24FC344F19413BCB8D92CAA9DF51689346934F702BDA0909E000600A26B201085AA9D7CD7362B70875288327E. This is what is stored on their servers. You then go to the companies website, enter your password, and their websites will then use the same encryption algorithm and compare the two strings to determine whether or not it's the right password. So if you enter 'fuckyou' instead of 'Fuck_you' its not comparing fuckyou to Fuck_you, it's comparing 4939D01598C0206C4FE0BF785AEDF93CAAC81E74DC0E72BE0451336E2384A4997893432F856CF12076AD704DAA20F4678B1C4FC5560290C63399C47076D47D47 to 8E87560E44A7349B0CA02CAB7B736B4157B12FF24FC344F19413BCB8D92CAA9DF51689346934F702BDA0909E000600A26B201085AA9D7CD7362B70875288327E. They don't actually store your shit. If a website is actually able to give you your correct password, then that's a sign that their insecure

  14. Im an IT graduate. No need to explain or get upset. Maybe you need a bowl. And yes there are countless number of programs specifically made to hack websites of stores and warehouses and take cc info. Not to mention ss cards and take out bank loans for you. Relax
  15. Everybody is from IT on the Internet
  16. Yes, let's just go with that, lol...

  17. #17 Oni~, Aug 23, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 23, 2015
    I'm not really sure what your excited point is? Are you saying no personal data has ever been hacked? Articles like these are fabrications?




  18. Edward snowden.

    Dude was such a criminal he had to flee to our most hated enemy russia

  19. They released the encrypted passwords, those are useless unless a dumbass has a passord like "fuck_you" in which rainbow tables can be used to figure it out using a website like: https://crackstation.net/ Pretty much, they have a huge ass list of strings and hashes that match each string like this:


    So unless your password happens to be on this table (and that would be because you used a common word or phrase) this info is useless. That's why some websites require you to use at-least 1 number and letter and upper/lowercase

  20. Interesting, never heard it reported that way. I'll have to do some research as I am not an IT guy. If you are right, then the vast majority of hacking information published in the mainstream is overblown in its tone at least.

    Does the same somehow apply to credit card information?


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