How does herbal vape compare to the smell of smoking weed?

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by LowkeyStoner19, Aug 14, 2015.

  1. If I smoked in my car after work would the smell stick to my skin /clothes like it would with burning a bowl?

    Also does vaping effect your eyes? like will the be bloodshot, glossy, or nothing?

    I'm asking because my mom hates that I smoke and I would like to smoke after work as many of you can probably relate to.

    Also like how effective are they, will the get me high like [6]+

  2. If there is no combustion, there should not be much smell but some herbal vape pen do combust.

    For your eyes I dont know but you can still use some clear eye or sonething like this

    And yes they will get you super high
  3. The smell is mild compared to smoking, but there's still a little. Some Axe and a piece of gum and you're fine.

    Your eyes will look pretty much the same as when you smoke, maybe not quite as red, still red.

    The high from vaping is hard to describe, but really easy to explain. You get all the benefits of knowing you're high, without the "foggy" feeling or the irritation to your throat. Think of vaping as a "good buzz" and smoking as "completely wasted".

    I vape 90% of the time now. I only smoke on special occasions or if I'm in a hurry. Now I feel wrecked when I smoke.
  4. I would say one benefit to vaping is that I can do it indoors without upsetting the other people living with me. With pipes I have to go outside. I got the Vaporite Ruby from and really love that I can take this thing practically anywhere.
  5. As long as you have a good vape (one that doesn't combust) and you vape on a lower temp you'll be fine. Below 380F is a faint smell and it goes away in minutes. Above 380F it starts to smell more similar to smoke but still not nearly as bad as smoke. Vapor also doesn't stick to things, hence you could vape in your car everyday and your car wouldn't develop a permanent weed smoke smell.

    Eyes are the same as smoking. Clear eyes always does the trick though.

    My Girlfriend would complain about the weed smoke in the house but she never complains about the vapor. When i have to be stealthy i crack a window and vape at 375F, i've had 100% success rate, thats with my solo.

    A good vape will get you above a 6 trust me. First day i got my EQ i hit a 10 on just a half gram bowl.

    OP, Buy a good vape, you wont regret it.

  6. Like everyone else has said make sure it's an actual vaporizer, my friend has some snoopdogg one, don't remember the actual model, but it combusts instead of vaping.

    If you get one that actually vapes then the smell will not stick to you as much and won't be as strong but it will be there. Like others have said eyedrops, a mint, and body spray will be plenty to cover everything up.
  7. It will smell like fesh bud. Not combusted, just fresh bud.

    But the difference between smoking and vaping is that smoke will linger around for hours, days, and penetrate through walls, and solids. Vapor just dissipates within the air and the smell is gone within 10-15 minutes. Any sort of ventilation, a fan, AC, or even a dehumidifier will help the vapor dissipate faster.
  8. If smell is what you're really worried about you need to make sure you get a true weed vape. There are some of the cheaper vapes where you are just putting weed in a container smashed up against a heating coil that just burns the weed as opposed to heating the weed to a vaping temp. The more expensive and what I would consider a true vaporizer are the ones that come with a temperature you can adjust where you will get no combustion and just straight vaporization.
  9. Yeah, good point and this is one of the many reasons why I started vaping.
  10. yes u can vape in the car just vent it and have an air freshener preferably neutradol or ona blocks. The smell doesnt stick and between getting out of the car and walking home you should not smell. And red eyes depends on you as a person and what you're vaping.

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