Tea Tree (melaleuca alternifolia) nutrients

Discussion in 'Growing Organic Marijuana' started by Mikeyduece, Aug 13, 2015.

  1. Hi guys!
    I know this isn't really the proper place to ask this, but I love the users on this site and I can't find any info. I know the search string I use isn't correc, because all I get are the oil uses and the nutrients in the oil.
    My question is, how can I figure out what nutrients this plant likes? Melaleuca Alternifolia. I found somewhere that it doesn't like a lot of nitrogen. But other than that, I can't find much if any info on the nutrients to grow bigger better bushes(bushes instead of trees, bc I live in CO and the tree wouldn't survive our winters:( )
    I teach and practice BJJ and would like to start making my own soap and maybe sell it to other practitioners and or fighters, which is why I need the tea tree oil. great anti fungal/bacterial properties. ring worm and staph suck! lol.

    Thank you in advance so much for any help you guys are able to offer on this!

  2. Hey Mikey, Im in Australia . We grow a lot of tea tree for oil here . Most of the farms are on river flats or slightly moist free draining soil. They are very tough plants that don't take a lot of looking after. Fert with very low phosphorus is a must. A little nitrogen is ok. Best thing to do is just top dress yearly or half ,with a slightly acidic compost or mulch.I just love tea tree oil.

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  3. #3 Mikeyduece, Aug 18, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 18, 2015
    ok cool, ya I know Denver isn't the best place for it, but my veg room stays relativly warm and humid. The mmj I have in that veg seem to like it a lot. I use Floralicious Plus for my liquid fertilizer, in addition to the flora series(micro, gro, bloom) you wouldn't suggest using any of those? Just the Floralicious Plus like once a month or so, and then the compost once or twice a year?
    I've got a few bog method pots to grow the tea tree in. that way it feeds through capillary method to make ure the soil stay wetter longer.

  4. #4 pointswest, Aug 19, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 19, 2015
  5. so just the fertilizer? cool:D Definitely saves me money on that end then:p Thanks for the help! Love this site:D
  6. It says in that article that the tea tree is toxic unless the oil is properly processed. How do you process it?
  7. Steam Distillation, and you don't want to ingest but you also dont want to ingest soap either
  8. #8 432, Aug 25, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 25, 2015
    Pests Hate Tea Tree also [​IMG] Mix with neem and you have a killer defense.
  9. oh ya, im using something other than neem. my in law who grows professionaly hates the smell of neem so I started making a spray for him to use. gonna start selling in CO grow stores soon :D all organic:D

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