Do you prefer sex high, drunk, or sober?

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by Sugar Jay Robinson, Aug 10, 2015.

  1. idk if it's just me but when i'm really stoned i can't really get aroused because i won't be in any mood to have sex for some odd reason, but when i'm drunk i can have sex for 4 nights straight non-stop. having sex when i'm sober is cool also but i love being drunk in love. which do you guys prefer?

  2. I'm the opposite haha.. Sex when high feels amazing.. Drunk does also but its not as passionate and just messy.

    Sober is good 2 although it becomes boring after a while when you can just spark a joint and AMPLIFY thy senses :D

  3. High sex is just a better version of sober sex, sober sex is alright and drunk sex is sloppy.
  4. drunk sex < sober sex < high sex. I don't find there to be too much of a difference between high and sober sex usually, but they are both way better than drunk sex.
  5. High sex is the best, drunk sex is fun if you're not completely wasted because otherwise it gets really sloppy
  6. High sex hands down. It's the only reason the wife and I get high. Drunk sex can be iffy as there is a fine line between fun and disaster and it can be hard to tell when you close to crossing it. Besides, weed makes the wife horny, alcohol makes her tired.
  7. I prefer a good mix of all 3
  8. Slightly drunk and stoned.

    Or just drunk.

    Got way too much cotton mouth when just baked. Still better than not being high, but ya.

  9. Yes.........
  10. I have bigger and better orgasms high.
  11. #11 iAmBetty, Aug 12, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 12, 2015
    I guess sober, unless a couple drinks counts as drunk

    High sex feels better but I get tired quicker and my anxiety could interfere and ruin it at any point
  12. I heard about whiskey disk, is that shit true?
  13. sure is. It can do 1of 2 things. Drunk enough to where you keep going and never get off. Sounds like fun, well its not after awhile. Then there's always the so drunk nothing works scenario. Not fun for anyone. If booze numbs you enough it happens. Usually ends up with some puking and a whole lot of regret.
  14. The big factors to consider is HOW drunk and HOW high, as well the type of weed smoked.

    If you are Indica'd out of your mind, you might not have the energy or drive to have sex. If you are too drunk, Whiskey Dick is absolutely a thing, as well as his cousin, the eternal banger who never cums.

    Morning sex with Sativa on a sunlit bed absolutely smashes every other combination for me.

  15. Never tried that. Will have to soon. :)

  16. Damn, the outcome doesn't seem like a good ending. Thanks for the insgightful advice.
  17. Man, I'll take any sex..
    Drunk, high, don't matter as long as p is in the v

    Sent from my iPod touch using Grasscity Forum
  18. Still a virgin, but I love masturbating when I'm high and consider it a waste of a high if I don't. Also loooove giving head a lot more when I'm high. My boyfriend loves high sex, we just haven't gotten there yet for me to have an opinion :)
  19. Astral Sex is the best but fuck goodluck.. Dream sex is pick your number..

  20. Maelisajane i can read minds ;)

    bettah stop that


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