why not just give Money to the people, America?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by HongKongPhooey, Aug 5, 2015.

  1. OK. I can agree that since my money is being stolen already (taxes), at least I (and the rest of us poor people) should benefit

  2. This idea of our race being independent through our dependence on money is just crazy; money is important, but if there ain't nobody around to take it and perform whatever service, whats the point in having it? Crazy.. This system needs to change.
  3. no. Money is completely 100% necessary if there is more than one person.

    If you are alone living off the land you are 100% correct, money is useless.

    However, we can't be trading chickens for apples for eyepads.

    Money is a necessary medium for exchange.

    Even in some sort of Communist Paradise "money" would be required as a medium of allowance to ensure society can have equal shares but still get what they want as opposed to for example, trying to supply everyone with everything.

    I mean why give everyone a Communist fishing pole when most people don't want to fish?

  4. Ipads sorry lol

  5. #65 HongKongPhooey, Aug 11, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 11, 2015

    Now you understand where I'm coming from. Wish I could say it as eloquently.

    Personally I think the system is failing anyways, spending way more than they're stealing annually at an increasing rate. Why not have some fun while we watch it all burn?

  6. lol "Evil". Now I know you have no idea what you're talking about. Such terms are meaningless. May as well say my cup of water is evil.
  7. ditto my friend
  8. if your cup of water led to millions of people dieing, and people still wanted to drink from that cup then yes that cup is evil.
  9. And this is the problem. The person who tried to slake the thirst of millions with a single cup of water would be. Stop blaming the problem on the symptoms. Go to the root.
  10. idk it's as if these people are spending money as if it is not going to be around soon. maybe the current system we are in is coming to an end and a new beginning is coming.....meanwhile spend all the money as if you aren't going to have it tomorow, live for today. Today's currency will not have any value or even be recognized when the new system is in place
  11. Exactly just print and give...it's either inflation or lives...the government created inflation anyways they even came up with the name themselves and theories and calculations that are pure bs.
  12. Why not just make money rocks? Or twigs or air? Something abundant that has no or little scarcity? You know something of NO value. ......ask yourself, what gives money or anything value? Is it want or need? This leads to value but does not define it. Wanting can drive up prices or fuel innovation but it doesn't give it value. Need doesn't give value either. We need air, we would die without it. It is of the greatest of needs, but it's abundant. Never ending supply seemingly. There is one thing that always gives value to anything, and that is scarcity.
  13. "rock" is an unfair generalization

    Some rocks are extremely scarce


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