Gut Feeling

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by taintnuthin, Aug 4, 2015.

  1. #1 taintnuthin, Aug 4, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 4, 2015
    So I read a comment talking about the gut feeling and I thought of this:

    The feeling in your stomach is from a previous event in another timeframe that generated various results whether be good or bad. There isn't distinct knowledge in your brain of the circumstance because it's in your soul not your body. The circumstances may depend on many distinct variables that could alter the result.

    So I may be really high but I would love to hear someone else's thoughts on it
  2. I know the saying goes "always trust your gut.." But in my personal experiences when I usually get these "gut feelings" I'm usually doing something risky that could involve trouble with the 5-0, and I've only been caught once or twice, so I think it's more just anxiety due to the possibility of being caught, not a reliable source to trust in every scenario. Just my opinion
  3. #3 Tokesmith, Aug 4, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 4, 2015
    My friend wanted to go car raiding (dumb ass) after a party and he kept trying to convince friend #2 to go with him. #2 didn't want to go and said he had a bad gut feeling about it.

    Well few days later we hear friend #1 is in jail (which is probably the best for him).

    So does this mean friend #2 was a greaser in his previous life?

    Probably not.
    This means #2 used common sense while the #1 didn't.
  4. "probably not" that's the thing tho we don't know. And maybe #1 wouldn't have gotten caught if another variable wasn't off. Maybe someone saw him, his fingerprints on the car, anything that could've gotten him caught (which from your story he did get caught) was just a distinct variable that had to be lined up perfectly for him to get away. That's why imo you get the stomach feeling because a lot has to go right for the outcome to be positive and the soul realizes this so instead of being a corrupted soul the stomach feeling is a warning of a good or bad scenario to come
  5. We literally feel our emotions throughout our body.. what we consider to be the "self" and your soul isn't just brain activity, but neural activity throughout your entire nervous system. Granted the saying of "I have a got feeling" is more often just a saying.. when there is potential danger or some sort of excitement, you usually feel it in your stomach. More than likely is because our animal ancestors used to puke up their stomach in the face of danger.. whether to deter them or to expel mass to escape easier, I don't know.. but our gut feeling is a product of our emotions which are a product of our evolution.

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