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Serious questions regarding effects of weed

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by I Wayne, Aug 4, 2015.

  1. How come when I smoked from ages 15-20 it calmed me, made me forget my problems, was fun, etc, but...
    nowadays (age 23), weed usually gives me anxiety, doesn't make me laugh, doesn't *usually* seem enjoyable, etc?

    I've quit for a year at age 20 and another 8 months at 22, but it makes no difference.
    If it's worth noting, I smoked nearly every day from age 15-20, and since 21 only once or twice every week or two. Depression is occasionally thrown in every few months, but I usually get 'anxiety'.

    This isn't something I'm about to ask a doctor. I know there's some really intelligent people on here, so I'd like to get some sort of idea if I can.

  2. At 20 you have no "problems" to forget about.
  3. That is true. Maybe it was the sense of security knowing I have nothing to do. I mean there was still work, school work, etc. But I'm pretty sure there's something going on with me and the effects.
  4. Just curious if you've considered which strains your smoking?

    I never started having panic attacks until sativa dominant strains like Sour D, Blue Dream, Green Crack became literally all that was available in my area. Consider trying some indicas if that's an option.

    Also, how are you using? I find that I don't get anxiety issues as badly when I vape instead of smoking.
  5. Every strain and every type of smoking tool usually gives me anxiety or some type of weird thoughts nowadays. The only conditions I fare in are If I limit myself to 1-2 hits and keep myself super occupied.

  6. find cbd strains and mix with thc strains. cbd to hold off anxiety and thc to boost your whole system with energy
  7. That's true, I haven't sought out any specific strain. I don't have a medical card though. I guess I'm wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience.


  8. I know an older guy who used to smoke joints daily when younger and now can only hit in a way that seems like second hand smoking. the effects are really strong for him and one little bump is it. a little bud will last for weeks, i am actually envious ha ha. but to your issue,if you are unable to locate specific strains with cbd in them figure out how to add black pepper or the essential oil (Piper nigrum) of it into your regimen. it will help the anxiety.
  9. I have been smoking cannabis for 35 years and haven't had that experience but certain strains are nicer than others and that is clear. I personally worry that some of the cannabis we buy from the dispensaries are affecting us badly with the chemicals fertilizers and pesticides. It's important we try to smoke the cleanest cannabis we can. And push for testing especially with the oils and their residue. If you can grow it in your state, do it. Then you know exactly. Growing is as much about the soil as it is the plant itself so a good organic soil is always best.
  10. Go to a website that gives reviews on strains. Leafly or the such. You can get great insight from other people's experiences and find the right strain for you.

    Get a Medical card if that is available for you.

    I agree with the earlier comment though, At 20 you should not have the weight of the world on your shoulders but have the world by the balls by that age. All of us had to deal with anxiety, it is how you deal with it then that shapes the rest of your life. Masking it at a young age may be the root of all your problems the rest of your life if you don't figure out to handle them without hiding behind a drug. Avoiding mental issues is not how you should deal with them.
  11. I don't why, but I can say how: If you get anxiety attacks from smoking weed, then don't smoke weed.

  12. Some people tend to feel's not fully understood. It especially occurs in individuals that only smoke occasionally. More regular use usually eliminates the problem (daily use).

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  13. it is because of its legal status with people looking around for someone out to get them. even the relaxation effects cannot over ride the paranoid brain sometimes
  14. Could just be you are a different person now as cannabis does not change who we are, it just enhances us so to speak. Like alcohol, cocaine, and other drugs they change who you are and not in a good way I might add but cannabis does not.

    Try holding off on use until you already feel good and see if that helps or take a look at why you have anxiety and depression bouts without usage, that's your core issue my friend. HTH

  15. #15 wafdof, Aug 16, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 16, 2015

    You you being serious??? For real? Marijuana most certainly changes a person. I have seen a Jeckle and Hyde person that only did pot. It affects thought processes can enhance both positive and negative aspects of ones mind. Most people do not become violent but a few do mostly due to being irrational. Linear thought is majorly affected and can be noticed easily.

    Don't say marijuana has no ill effects because it does. If it didn't you wouldn't find an incredible number of heavy smokers making close to minimum wage still living with mommy. Many of us are proof you can smoke and live well except I didn't smoke while working. If I hadn't i would never have retired at 50. I can afford to sit around for hours each night lighting up most of the younger people can't and are wasting the most productive time in their life where they should be climbing the ladder to a better life.
  16. Interesting point of view, it has nothing to do with anyone but yourself, but interesting none the less, Thank You.
  17. rofl

    Whatever man.
  18. The real question is if you have anxiety when you do not smoke weed, because many people say they do not, but lead a life filled with reroutes to avoid said anxiety they allegedly don't have.
  19. You create your own high, if you think your going to get anxious you will, if you just sit down and chill you will have a more chill high, Just don't think about getting anxiety or keep your mind occupied, or switch to a more indica dominate bud

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