Us and Them

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Oni~, Aug 3, 2015.

  1. Smokers are known for pondering a lot about the universe, time and space, quantum this and quantum that. Sometimes ad nauseam, sometimes with brilliant insight and perception. Mythical and "out there" topics are discussed on these forums, for example, on a constant basis.

    What about the other people in society, the "regular" people who do not smoke and ponder?

    I'm fishing for words to accurately express this divide I feel between the pondering smokers and the rest of society. Obviously there are smokers who do not ponder and obviously there are nonsmokers who do, like astrophysicists or astronomers for example. In general though, the smoking crowd seems far more into the mythical, the unexplained, the "out there" than the average person. As such, I feel a stark differentiation between us and them. Frankly, I find it really, really weird that so many people do not wonder about this stuff regularly.

    I am in daily amazement over the fact that 7 billion of us exist on a sphere that spins and rotates around a much larger fiery sphere. All this in a dark void that is unfathomably large and features more spheres of different size and nature. Spheres that we know exist, yet are nowhere near being able to investigate, and perhaps never will.

    I am in daily amazement over the fact that even on our own sphere we keep coming up with more and more mysteries and live with unexplained artifacts like the pyramids for example, or that we don't really know when or where potential long lost civilizations might have existed and what befell them.

    I don't profess to possess any higher knowledge on this, but I certainly wonder about it and it is on my mind a lot and I'm frankly finding it.... odd that more people aren't regularly intrigued by such topics. To me it feels like the "regular" folk simply do not get how much of a mystery and a wild and crazy world they exist in. Furthermore, I have noticed many of them are actually turned off by "out there" discussion and can't wait to steer the conversation back to what was on TV last night or how things are at work.

    Does anyone else feel this ?

  2. Us and them is one of my favorite songs
    just like they say
    "And all you touch and all you see
    Is all your life will ever be"

    If those people don't know about those things, they can't talk about it
    If all they do is work or watch tv then all they know is work or what happen on the kardashions last night...they can't talk about things outside of their box. Fuck them, let them keep their eyes and minds closed, if that's how they want to experiance life
    Your not going to be happy trying to convince people to think the same way you do

  3. Regular folks get it too, we just carry on carrying on. What's there to say about it, really?

    How else could all of it be?
  4. there's limitless things to say about it. Look all over these forums. Everyone talks about it you just have to be fascinated or somewhat into it to say more about it. You made that post seem like a regular folk
  5. And he just spilled out an essay in his own words pretty much. That's what there is to say about it. Talk to your friends about crazy shit not boring shit. I would rather smoke the herb n talk endlessly about space, the mind n it's behaviors, n matrices so much to talk about really
  6. I agree that it's their environment that usually molds their conversations.

    But I also think there is some fear or maybe anxiety of embarrassment. When I see someone coming out of their comfort zone and discuss subjects like the ones listed, they seem hesitant. Often they will say something like "I know this sounds weird but what if..........". People want to look cool, and I guess talking about off topic subjects makes one look "strange" which could be perceived as uncool or weird to an ignorant person.
  7. I could see this being the case, which is part of what I find odd about society.

    Talking about space/time/reality = uncool or weird.

    Talking about reality TV, work, weather = cool and normal.

    One has to be interested in far more mundane things in order to fit in it seems. Historically we were burning "witches" and "blasphemers" alive, so one can see the remnants of this in modern society. No one is getting killed (at least in the first world) but getting ostracized for such thinking appears to be the norm.

    In a previous forum I've linked this to why so many stoners are considered "antisocial." It's not that they are antisocial, but rather no longer want to engage in mundane topics the majority of society seems interested in. Billy will make and/or retain far more friendships if he focuses on talking football and reality TV than space and time.

  8. While the resting world sleeps, I dream of realities unseen to the naked eye. Then I tell everyone I can type to about it, whenever I recall the instantaneous travels across the universe I spent my time searching for. But then again dreams are just one-side of reality.
  9. #9 432, Aug 12, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 12, 2015
    Another reason why smoking has been illegal for so many years. It helps free the mind from control and manipulation and connects you more deeper/spiritual state of being.

    However without proper living enzyme nutrition it will be most challenging to be self aware of awareness and ego.

  10. High 5 to that bro!! The U.S. government is horrified of deeper thinking by Americans. They use the media to tell us all how to think ,act, and react towards people places and things. We must rise above the bullshit!!

  11. We the people should not be disconnected from the tethered reality we all share in common; life. We are not evildoers nor are we the enemies of our state; however, the eye of the maddest dog watches the stick shake in the hands of the thrower towards the distant future of getting that stick back. Return to me when you have justly answered the prompt.
  12. #12 enjoyandlive, Aug 22, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 22, 2015
  13. I feel this!!! And it's much deeper than we realize. I find people twlling me to "chill out " or say i "think too much". It almost makes me laugh. In the workplace, if i bring up the fucked up biotech companies poisoning the masses, i am a CONSPIRACY theorist. political lies are the norm, banks are made up and they have all the power. The whole world is a conspiracy!

    What about the billions of brain cells you have, each communicating with 25,000 other cells at any given moment?
    And the fact that we can begin to fathom the multiverse theory or the big bang?
    A womens pheromones can take control of every cell in a males body in seconds!

  14. I totally get what you mean. Most people I interact with nowadays are non-smokers because I rarely find time to sesh with old smoker mates from back in the day anymore. Non-smokers seem much more mundane and predictable. Sometimes while overhearing a small-talk conversation, I can kind of predict how it will go in my head. I wish people did more deeper thinking rather than just living on the surface of modern society, worrying about new iphones and the latest episode of some shit reality TV show. But then again, maybe there's nothing wrong with that and we're actually all just a bunch of pretentious douchebags. Who's to say who's right?
  15. #15 schuy7, Sep 30, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 30, 2015
    The difference is fear. Some people are dying to know the truth about everything. Why we exist. Some other people are too afraid to ask themselves those questions.
  16. I think it's fairly easy to differentiate between the deeper thinker and your run of the mill Kardashian fan. No douchebaggery involved. Someone concerned and educating with the cosmos and the nature of things on a regular basis is not the same as someone living and dying by Tom Brady's Twitter feed.

    Terence McKenna talked about this a bit, mentioning how we have laid far too much of a focus on being too accepting of any and all thought as intellectually valid. Modern society is more interested in not "offending'' or judging than calling bs on bs thinking.

    Agreed. I'd add there is a 3rd camp, perhaps the largest. The camp of people who are neither dying to know more nor are afraid of more, simply because they are completely oblivious to there being more than their immediate microcosm.

  17. Weed makes people more creative in their thinking. Weed makes people ponder the mysterious. Weed makes people inventive. If everyone was on weed we'd probably live in a much more advanced society because without the magic herb people rarely stop themselves and take a look at the big picture. In general weed smokers are more intelligent as a result, and you should feel better than non-smokers because of this.
  18. AND you have a McFarlane avatar. Wanna be pals4eLyf?


  19. lol the weed lmao
  20. Fuck em the ignorant fucks, most of them are robots so conditioned by their religion and society and genetic predispositions that they never think outside the box

    We live in the greatest time that has ever existed and all they see is what's in front of their feet, fucking animals, savage homo sapiens sapiens

    Knowledge and health, that's all i value, Maslow's hierarchy of needs comes secondary to me

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