Graham Hancock Debunks Mainstream Science

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by 432, Aug 2, 2015.

  1. :D

    You didn't even respond to what I said. You are just full.of one line zinger :lol::lol::D:D:lol::lol:

    Why is it that people like you never look at both sides of the coin?

    ANY AND ALL "mainstream" ideas MUST be wrong herp

  2. We actually look at both sides unlike sticking the the side your used to and keeping yourself inside the box perfectly well trained product. Must be Top Students with Straight A's

    We target truth from signals and signs/codes and which leads us to naturally dig deeper leading us to more truth.

    No one said "Any and all" mainstream ideas are wrong, Your putting it that way. Even though many things are misguided and distorted from the truth Ultimately in Fear of Equilibrium but there are still many things out there that are Good.

    Truth is like Light whether you believe it or not it will find its way back in your life. Why do you think these types of thinkers just multiply and never end. Says something, Too me atleast.

  3. ...

    Did you even watch the video you posted?

  4. typically when people talk about how we can't be "awake" (meaning able to see through media lies presumably) until we stop covering our mythical third eye with flouride, you know they don't know what they are talking about

    Science and math.are factual because you can prove them. Has nothing to do with penial glands IR being a wake. Its litrerally experimentation through trial and error (1+1=2

  5. Awake does not mean (able to see through media lies) loll

    It lets you see through everyone, everything in existence is understood at a whole knew level.

    Try a Pineal Gland Detox for a good 6months with a healthy lifestyle and come back and explain Science and math.

    I bet You'll be more focused on Sacred Geometry and Astrology, Numerology and so on and more advanced ways to understand things how our Ancient Civilizations like the Mayans, Lemurians, Atlanteans did.

    Science still has yet to understand Crystal Technology and how it could be used to store Knowledge indefinitely and create free energy around the world with proper Astral Alignments. Well they probably do but the information is hidden obv.. Similar to how they know the ancients levitated and moved large objects using Ultrasonic Vibratory Systems.

    Everything becomes simple really once you choose the Heart path and not the Mind path following one another like sheep and never questioning Authority/Officials.

    Take time to meditate and connect to spirit/source, while taking care of your mind/body in the process and you will ever be Grateful i promise you.

  6. you are making a lot of assumptions about me

    And you are extremely arrogant.

    Sacred geometry? Really?

    Detox and healthy lifestyle? You don't even know me.

    You are assuming if I did the things you say I'd agree with you

    Awake? Pffft. Most arrogant claim ever

    You are no more awake than anyone else

  7. I know you really well :)
  8. oh OK :D

    Enjoy the koolaide

  9. I don't consume artificial sweetener but thanks :p
  10. Hello 432!

    I saw your thread title and was instantly curious. I'd like to invite you to engage in a brief discussion on mainstream science, what that entails, and how Mr. Hancock takes issue with it. This discussion will be in the scientific spirit; I will not insult you or debase you, I will not belittle you, I will not hold you in contempt. I will, however, ruthlessly attack your counterarguments should they be weak, as it is 'truth' we're out to find.

    On Hancock
    I only watched 36 of the 104 minutes of lecture, but I have listened to approx 6 hours of him in conversation (mostly on the Joe Rogan podcast, so take it with a grain of salt), like him genuinely as a person, and think his theories are quite interesting. He raises interesting questions, and exists in a field which is comparatively speculative. If there are any bombdropping segments, or arguments, that I may have missed, then please inform me of them.

    On me
    A bit about me; I'm a scientist with only 6 years of experience, but I'm well educated in the scientific method, which is what dominates the scientific mainstream. I have contact with scientists much better than me on a daily basis, and am often sent to conferences to listen to the real black belts in science debate their newer theories, or debunk/confirm older ones. I am, you might say, in the belly of the beast. Just so you know who holds the opinion opposite yours, and you know to give more weight to some of my statements and less weight to others. My field of expertise is computer science, though I am also well educated in history.

    For mainsteam science (my side)
    Mainstream science is based on evidence and merit, and it is stuffed full of people who are very hard<span class="redactor-invisible-space"> to fool. When you begin as a scientist, you are constantly schooled in critical thinking, constantly taught to challenge your superiors so they have to prove what they say, and you are taught above all never to take anyone's word for anything<span class="redactor-invisible-space">. <span class="redactor-invisible-space">I see that American media often presents the exact opposite image - that students go to college and get brainwashed by professors. I don't attend an American university, but can tell you that it is not the case in Europe. We are taught to challenge everything. If this is your claim, then from where I'm standing, there is an incredibly irony in your conviction of what Mr. Hancock says. You are, it seems, taking his claims at face value, on a 'gut feeling' that he is convincing.</span></span></span>
    <span class="redactor-invisible-space"><span class="redactor-invisible-space"><span class="redactor-invisible-space"><span style="font-weight: 600;">If you read anything, read this!</span></span></span></span>
    <span class="redactor-invisible-space"><span class="redactor-invisible-space"><span class="redactor-invisible-space"><span style="font-weight: 600;">Graham Hancock is not an archaeologist, he's a writer and a journalist. In a short sentence, to my humble understanding of Mr. Hancock, he knows how to construct an argument, he speaks intelligently, and he would fool those who are less used to deconstructing arguments, or who are not at all educated in archaeology.</span></span></span></span>
    <span class="redactor-invisible-space"><span class="redactor-invisible-space"><span class="redactor-invisible-space"><span style="font-weight: 600;">He does not have appropriate evidence for his arguments, and takes religious/divine texts as a foundation for fact. He speaks out of ignorance, and uses the 'god of the gaps' argument to support his theories. </span></span></span></span>
    The equivalent is, roughly, arguing for rare cases of human resurrection because the Bible says Jesus brought Lazarus back to from the dead.

    <span class="redactor-invisible-space">Against mainstream science ("your" side)</span>
    Mainstream science is, at times, under the influence of monetary contributions. If there is little to gain from a field, there will be little funding, and thus little knowledge. Sometimes there are corrupting influences, such as was the case with lead being kept in fuel for decades, despite being proved dangerous. Sometimes corporations will pay an institution to prove something that is beneficial to the corporation. Sometimes there are elements of ego involved; some smart people are terribly arrogant and hate being proven wrong, and will put themselves in smaller and smaller boxes to maintain their arguments. These academics quickly lose standing in the scientific community, and are discredited.

  11. serious question though

    You seem to know so much about me. How do you know my penial gland is calcified?

    I eat extremely healthy and avoid flouride. Always have for years now.

  12. Thank you for taking your time to write all that although the story went completely off topic as me and yuri went back based on earlier arguments we've on in the past it goes a bit deeper than what you can simply learn.

    Nevertheless Graham is Probably not an Archaeologist but most of his close friends are and he goes with them on many expeditions and witnesses and learns things first hand. Its not always healthy to judge based on reading and watching, Experiencing first hand is they key.

    Some of us just know what he says to be true because we have the resources and experienced first hand life lessons ourselves. There are ways beyond the Physical mind in-which one can tap into deeper states of consciousness and some of our greater more Enlightened ones are even able to Telepathically communicate with other beings mostly from Extra-terrestrial origins to gain this Ancient information.

    As you can see what Ive wrote probably blows your mind and your ways of training/thought would probably think I'm a nutter or crazy and i cannot blame you i was the same. Until i had a spiritual awakening which connected me to something divine. Some say "Source" some say "Akashic Records" and from there more and more situations in my life have lead to more truth that prior to this awakening it was physically impossible for me to be able to comprehend any of this stuff.

    I'm not even a scientist or anything like that, I just study, Meditate and explore as much as i possibly can to witness the secrets that have been hidden from me first hand.

    I know this is probably not the section to talk about all this stuff as it goes beyond Scientific understanding although i just wanted to post this Graham video here as Its Targeted on Mainstream Science and i for myself can confirm he is being honest and sharing what he possibly can to help others. These beings have no interesting in sharing anything BUT the Truth.

    Of course not 100% is correct, Nothing really is right or wrong if you look deep enough but most of what he says matches our knowledge from many other sources based on the same subjects.

    Graham, David Wilcock, Terrence Mckenna, Nikola Tesla, Edgar Cayse, Plato, Lao Tzu, Leonardo Da Vinci, Abraham Hicks, and the one they call Bashar, People like these or ones that have gained similar levels of consciousness to thee have been most closely correct about most of what they have shared with the world. I suggest researching and studying up on these names listening to what they had to share, it might just spark something that triggers Release of Dimethyltryptamine in the brain which will lead one to greater understanding of life and the universe far beyond anything you can learn from sight or text.

    I also suggest reading: The Law of One - Ra Material & The Emerald Tablets of Thoth
    Here is a shorter example of what it ultimately explains

    We wish you all the best.

  13. Hello 432,

    There are some things I have to take you to task on. I have marked your paragraphs with a numeral in the qoute - reference the qouted post.
    I would like to begin by earnestly admitting that the impression I got from your arguments was the impression I get when I hear a priest, or a rabbi, or an imam speaking. Big words, spiritual connotations, otherworldly claims, but no real substance. It was very Deepak Chopra-esque. This does, of course, not sit well with me, and I will do my best to break down why I think this is a poor approach to anything. I look forward to your response.

    On experience versus technique
    1) He is not an archeologist, not just probably not. He is not. I would like to give credit to what you say otherwise - you don't have to have a piece of paper from a university to be educated in something. Most of us have 'degrees' in driving a car, or making food, or interacting with friends. You can become good at something by studying it. But having a methodology with a sound record of evidence behind it is a better approach. Three years of intense driving instruction by a professional will make you a better driver than three years driving alone.
    However, this 'first hand experience is always better' statement can also be attacked. I could travel to New York, and stare at the Empire State building. Wow, I might think, this is amazing, how could anyone have built this? I don't know anything about constructional engineering, so you could trick me much easier into thinking one thing or the other. When an experienced constructional engineer comes along and starts telling me about steel wires, armored concrete, load bearing and so on (all of which is hard to disprove, since it's keeping the building you're sitting in right now up) - I would know more about the Empire State building, and the mystery would boil away.

    This same analogy can be largely applied to Graham Hancock - he is me, the amateur, standing in front of the Empire State. He looks and he sees things and makes his own conclusions, but he's not an expert, and there's a world of knowledge that he does not accept, because it disproves his theory.

    On 'empty words'
    2) You must understand why this holds absolutely no weight. It does appear delusional. Why should I take your word for anything? You are telling me a version of truth - your truth - without any objective<span class="redactor-invisible-space"> claims behind it. I could do the same to you. No, listen, 432, I have also been contacted by the Enlightened ones, and they told me to come to this thread and disprove you. You would have to take me as seriously as I take you, and we would get nowhere. Does this make sense? You are no more credible<span class="redactor-invisible-space"> than a priest, or an imam, or a rabbi claiming they have been given the answers from something more wise than us that we can't detect. You're tapping into a source of power and credibility that you don't have.</span></span>

    <span class="redactor-invisible-space"><span class="redactor-invisible-space"><span class="redactor-invisible-space">Why the scientific method is so important</span></span></span>
    <span class="redactor-invisible-space"><span class="redactor-invisible-space"><span class="redactor-invisible-space">There is an impartial judge, and that is the scientific method<span class="redactor-invisible-space">. Planes take off not<span class="redactor-invisible-space"> because someone was given insight by powerful aliens - but by hard mathematics, tested constructional and material engineering, aviation physics, and all such things that can be boringly boiled down to simple formulas and taught objectively at univerisities.</span></span></span></span></span>

    I'll stop here, for now, as this is a lot to digest. I am very interested in how these thoughts bounce off you - especially my opinion that your words carry absolutely no weight when you justify them by your own words only. I would engage on Tesla, McKenna, Plato and Sun Tzu, of whom I am well educated (the others I don't know), and can do so in a following post if you wish. I disagree with your grouping of them together, but recognize this 'genius' your alluding to.
  14. You do speak logically and i agree with your ways as they are ultimately playing a part in evolution of consciousness.

    However you cannot disapprove what i already know from within. You could possibly be correct about somethings that Graham says or claims although when you are comparing him you me that is a whole different story.

    Indeed words to not carry weight, They are forms of energy just like everything else in existence and we must use them wisely. I out of all people should know this best although i tend to lose myself in ways at times sadly for this i apologize.

    No weight as you say is only based on "your" understanding and genius has nothing to do with the people i mentioned. They simply were Awake ahead of their time as we say or able to access more % of their cerebral cortex at once.

    Similar to how some Autistic children have difficulties in learning and functioning like everybody else instead have one ability or skill that they can perfect with masterclass results. However i believe these people did not have Autism.

    They just found the Balance within themselves which allowed them to be in Harmony with the flow of the universe. (If you will)

  15. The thing is, he may not (and you may not) be wrong. But you (nor he) have given any real reason why anyone should believe you. You've hypothesized, that's all. It doesn't mean anything without empirical, independently verifiable evidence.
  16. It's Pineal gland Yuri. Pineal

    Your "Penial" gland would be something further south.


  17. ohhhhh

    That explains why I couldn't find the crusty flouride

    Here I was thinking of people peeing out white crusty chunks

  18. That's kidney stones my friend and they suck ssssoooooo hard

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