Rosin tech question

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by iTroii, Aug 1, 2015.

  1. so I have done a little experimenting with rosin teching without a screen but I plan on investing in a 25 micron screen very soon, if I can get an ounce of my favorite weed (cotton candy kush) for $150 would it be worth it to rosin tech it or would I be better off making another concentrate? My thoughts are I see rosin going for $80/g so to do it myself cheaper would be nice but I haven't smoked enough to see if it retains more flavor of the strain since there is no destill or blasting process. 2nd question, I don't like seeing people squish buds so I'm thinking first get the kief out of the whole ounce compress the kief make that into rosin then taking the shake making ice hash and making rosin from the finished product of that. Worth it or wasteful?

  2. Just squish the buds.
  3. Try pressing you can stop whenever you want, if your not satisfied. Weigh out a gram or two and press it and check your yield/quality. Making kief before pressing seams to be a waste of time and effort.
  4. why make shitty keif to press just make dry sift and cut the bull.
    but really just squeeze the buds and safe yourself a headache and waste.
  5. What is your definition of kief and how does that differ from "dry sift"?
  6. I read through this thread quickly, but didn't see this question in here so, here it goes. I am thinking of starting to grow my own hydro in a dealzer cash crop 4.0, but the extra time of drying and curing seems like so much more time than I am willing to wait. Then I thought, ROSIN. Do you get best results from rosin technique if the nuggz are straight of the plant (no drying/curing)? If so, then this may be the way to go for me. Then I can do some tinctures with the trim and shit.

    Thanks for your helps

  7. You might want to consider a different hobby
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  8. One thing you will need to grow successfully is patience. There aren't really any tricks to get around the waiting process, especially if you care about results
  9. Squish them buds.
  10. can you still use the flower after you make the oil?
  11. ^You can cook with them.
  12. Why would you spend money on plywood, CFLs, and PC fans?

  13. Every bud has sum shatter waiting to be squished out:dance2:its all about the pressure !!!
  14. If you want to get something the day of harvest theres the LIVE RESIN method
    It's Alive! The Origins of Live Resin <HIGH TIMES
    What Is Live Resin? <HIGH TIMES
    What Is Live Resin? <DAILY DABS
  15. I fucking love live resin. It is the most potent, most flavor rich extract I have ever had in all my years on this funky planet. The prices are coming way down as well, al out as low as wax.

    When you first open a container of live resin you will notice the smell right off. Sooooooo fucking pungent. Take the smell of fifty pounds of the darkest ganja imaginable and compress it into a gram. That's how it smells. Then here is the taste of it. There simply aren't words to describe how incredibly yummy this stuff is! I always get some of this regardless of strain. Usually I get 3 or 4 differing strains just to switch up e yummy stuff.
  16. #16 DabsOnTheMountain, Jun 12, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2016
    You can still press bud without curing it, even wet. I've done neither, but i know pressing it wet isn't the best idea, there'll be way to much water in your rosin. If you have patience to grow have the patience to care for it after a little too.
    Rosin is definitely the way to go though. It often has terps in the same percentages as live resin, and then if you decide against rosin you'll need to get setup to either use ethanol and have crappy tasting oil anyway, or spend a couple hundred to get setup to make bho. And both of those are working compared to pressing out some rosin. Also, you don't have to run it all at once, so the bud can continue to cure in jars until you need it to be pressed. Just get in the habit of pressing out patties for the next day every night. Your bud will be chilling there then for you to to whatever you want with it then too. You can make a rosin press for around $150. Say you have some odd and end parts laying around like i did, it'll run around $100. I'd say that's very worth it to have oil on demand. And considering it's yard sale season, there's a good chance you could do it for much cheaper. You have time, all the way until your plants are finished.
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