How do you make concentrates?

Discussion in 'Fitness, Health & Nutrition' started by yurigadaisukida, Jul 31, 2015.

  1. You see them all the time now days. Juice shots that supposedly have insane ammounts of fruit/veggies packed into a single shot of fluids.

    I was wondering how they make these. I always hear cooking destroys the nutrients. But boiling down is the most obvious way to concentrate something.

    How do they do it?

  2. 1. Plant the seed
    2. Grow the plant.
    3. Pick the plant.
    4. Extract the plant essence.
    a) juice the plant by wasting absurd amount of whole buds, or
    b) butane hash oil water filtration
    5. Refine essence of plant. (purge impurities)
    6. Concentrate effort into final product. (produce edible or tincture or whatever)
    7. Sell/Donate concentrates as product.
  3. LOL.

    Thansk for that

  4. any time, love

    I didn't invent chemistry, but I know number 9. [​IMG]

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