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New to the forum with an important question

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by chefhana, Jul 31, 2015.

  1. Good morning folks!
    I'm new to the forum and although not new to smoking, I now have some questions I never thought I would have to ask.
    To start I'll explain a little about my background with weed and why I smoke, as it isn't just for enjoyment.
    About six years ago I had part of my spine fused and several pins and plates installed. As a result, I've been left with rather intense nerve pain that unfortunately, is only getting worse by moving to other parts of my body. I also deal with a very unstable jaw joint that compels me to stick to a soft foods diet or else pay the price. Not to mention all the arthritis and a knee that badly needs to be replaced. And I'm only 33. Thanks to the weed, I can at least sleep through the night and on my off days, it lets me clean house and be a little active without pain. Nothing any doctor has put me on has been as much of a relief without all the side effects. :)
    So, that's a little bit about why I smoke and now on to my question.
    Despite efforts to prevent it, my husband and I have found ourselves expecting a baby. I'm almost 11 weeks along, and finding myself more and more protective of this tiny being. It's usual for me, and I'm still wrapping my head around the fact that this is happening. :)
    So, the question is, do I need to stop smoking? I've been doing a lot of reading, finding articles saying it's horrible for the baby, while others say it's not a big deal. So, which is it?
    I want to do my best by this baby, but if I don't have to be in pain, I would prefer to not be.

  2. When you say it's horrible for the baby is this from actual peer reviewed scientific studies or opinions? There are some studies out of Copenhagen that have shown no adverse effects caused by mother's who use Cannabis during pregnancy. I think you need to separate the wheat from the chaff and then make an informed decision. Check out Granny Storm Crow's extensive library which includes a section on pregnancy.
  3. Everything I was reading was from pregnancy health sites. I would pull links, but I'm on a short break from work.
    Which was why I came here, I wanted some opinions that weren't government approved. :)
  4. I knew this woman that smoked A LOT of hash when she was pregnant, and her son is a few screws short... Could be unrelated... Or not...
  5. I am no doctor and as such I refuse to give any advice in this matter as a truly don't know and anything I told you would be nothing more than an educated guess.
    I will tell you what I have read concerning the matter, mothers that smoked marijuana during their pregnancy did have lower birth weights on average than mothers that did not use marijuana and as such High Times was advising mothers to not smoke marijuana while pregnant. Lack of sleep and spending your entire pregnancy in agony would also be hard on your baby though so I am not comfortable advising you on what to do. You need the opinion of an open minded doctor and if you are not in a state with medical marijuana this maybe nearly impossible to get, I'm sorry.

  6. If you are really concerned about the health of your child then you should be asking medical professionals, not a forum full of stoners.
  7. Why risk it?

    Layoff and take care of responsibilities.

  8. are you only using MMJ no other medications for your pain?

    My personal opinion would be that itd be best to be as healthy as possible while pregnant (this also goes to guys who are trying to get their girl pregnant you want healthy sperm not sperm with drugs in it)

    While im not sure if Weed is bad for baby production (aka sperm/eggs) maybe someone has a study?, im more talking about drinking or unmentionables.

    So my advice would be no drug use at all, but im no doctor.

  9. I'm no Doctor. This is not medical advice. Make your own decision after consulting a healthcare professional.

    Here's my opinion on weed and pregnancy: You have options with consequences
    A: Stop smoking weed while you are pregnant
    Benefit: inhaling any burned matter will put smoke/CO2/and CO into your lungs. More oxygen is better for you AND your baby. Plus, a 9 month T break will make the weed that much better after you have the baby.
    Consequences: You'll have to settle on dealing with the pain which could stress the baby, or taking pharmaceuticals which have some nasty side effects and could cause potential problems for the baby.
    B: Switch to vaping.
    Benefit: No smoke, less CO2 and CO
    Consequences: Possible danger to the baby from cannabinoids, yet to be proven one way or the other).
    There's an additional issue, which also occurs in medical states: Blood and urine tests during pregnancy. You WILL have blood tests, and might have a few urine tests as well. If one of those tests pops positive for pot, even if you have a mmj card, the Child Protective Services in many states will be happy to declare you an unfit parent and take custody of the child when it's born.

    That was not meant to scare you, but it was meant to cause you to do more research and make an informed decision.
    If it were me? I'm reasonably sure that the potential risks are microscopic in comparison to the risks involved with using pharmaceuticals, but the CPS thing would scare me. I'd personally ask the OB or the Dr you are seeing for the pregnancy what they thought. If they recommend it, they won't be reporting anything to anyone. If they recommend against it, I'd suck it up and use the lowest possible dose of what they give me possible, and go back to weed after the pregnancy.



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