Diy Non toxic stem

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by Your_Average_Stoner_420, Jul 31, 2015.

  1. I'm making a glass bong and I want it to be non toxic I have everything I need except for a stem it needs to be non toxic preferably metal or glass and it needs to be a regular household item.

    P.S. I can't just go to a head shop sadly 😔

    Thanks guys[​IMG]
  2. Order a glass stem from gc, or buy one at your lhs
  3. dude I said that i CANT go to a head shop
  4. Why, headshop will be the cheapest. Order one from GC then.
  5. A zebra brand pen from staples. Down stems don't matter too much as long as the bowl is glass or metal
    Be creative. Plastic is ok in some cases just use common since.
  6. i would go to the hardware store and look over what they have for brass fittings and the like. you could find a piece of brass pipe that you could use as a down stem. or a stem and bowl combo that stick together.

    never us plastic where heat will get to it. there are some of the cheaper plastics that give off poisonous fumes at lower temps.
  7. A science beaker. Like the one in toy sets and kits. You carefully cut off the other side and boom. Got a downstem. Or a sketchy chillum
  8. lol You are already in one here at GC. Just smoke an apple till you can get a real pipe.
  9. find a metal pipe like a curtain rail and use a metal thimble for a conepiece

  10. Tripod stand pipes, vape pen pipe, window hanger pipe, look around, you'd be surprised how much shit you can find.

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