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canna cookie question

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by Big Spliff, Jul 27, 2015.

  1. So last week i made my first batch of canna oil.. Made some cookies and brownies to test out the potency and to see if i cud actually make good oil
    Came out perfect , ayyy congrats to myself!
    I take credit for the oil comin out good but My girlfriend actually did the baking stuff which leads me to my question...
    Can i take premade cookies ( the ones that are shaped like a little ball n puff up when baked) n before baking to be regular cookies , take like a turkey baster or some sort of something n insert some of my canna oil into the cookie before baking? Wud it come out good, Im just tryin to figure out another way to make amazing cookies incase my girl goes awal n i have no way to bake.. And no i dont want to do a trail by error

  2. #2 PatrickXy6dC, Jul 29, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2015
    I don't think injecting your premade cookies with oil would work. At my walmart they sell cookie mixes that call for 1/2 cup of butter/oil. All you do is add a few ingredients and cook. Easy.
    I went and checked the bag- it's for sugar cookies and you add one stick of butter/1/2 cup of oil (either/or) and an egg. Mix, shape cookies and bake. I have a friend who's a lightweight and gets off on 1/2 cookie (14 grams cannabs:1/2 cup butter). I eat two or three, maybe four.
  3. If you can make good butter then you can follow a cookie recipe.

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