Marine Veteran Calls Obama A Tyrant and Nothing More In VIRAL VIDEO

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by DivineVictoryX, Jul 26, 2015.

  1. #1 DivineVictoryX, Jul 26, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 26, 2015

    What an absolutely fantastic person this is for not only putting his life on the line to defend this country, but by putting his life on the line to produce this video! Thank you sir for all you have do and have done. I think you have summed up the thoughts of the people. I greatly respect you!
    True Patriot. This country's almost done and people need to wake up...... I can't wait till we take back this broken Country it's pathetic.

    "Oh Obama Passed Gay Marriage, Praise him, Praise him" Can the pathetic bullshit.
    The TPP is going to be passed None of that matters and the Supreme Court won't do anything about it.
    Wake Up to Reality
  2. I give respect to this soldier for honoring the families of the victims. But, a lot of his criticisms are fairly fallacious. He claims that it is solely Obamas fault that we are going to be 21 trillion in debt. What he doesn't realize is that the budget doesn't come solely from the president and congress is much more directly responsible for our current situation in that department. I don't like a lot of what Obama has done, but acting like he is solely responsible for the decline of America is silly. Americas been declining for a while but it took the bursting of the bubble for people to finally realize it.

    I think Obama has mismanaged a lot of things but he is by no means a tyrant or as bad as people make him out to be. People want to pretend like all these problems that started under Obamas watch but they have largely always existed. A large part of the reason we are in our current situation is poor decisions on the part of past administrations including things like the repeal of glass-steagall. That eventually cause a massive bubble forcing us to bail out the banks which is where a good chunk of money has gone down the toilet. The point is that, well be guy has some fair criticisms he is way off base in accusing Obama of being a tyrant or being responsible solely for the decline of America. Also this notion that we're going to hell in a hand basket is annoying. This sky is falling mentality is becoming tiresome.

    It doesn't matter your political affiliation it's pretty apparent looking back that many of the decisions made by the Clinton and Bush administration have made things worse for us nowadays. Why does no one care about the fact that congress continually fucks over the American people and does the same sketchy shit. The president does not have complete control like many people imply.
  3. People don't know what viral video means anymore....

    They will call videos viral just to get people to watch, which wouldn't be necessary if it was viral

    Divine is an attention seeker

  4. Yeah Divine is so awful, he cares about his country and gets swept up by a few bullshit conspiracies now and then. Fuck that guy! The TPP? Divine is hyping that, must be another bullshit conspiracy.

    Pretty good vid. Of course, the guy needs to get a degree in political science before making such bold claims. After all congress, the lobbies, and various people appointed to their positions of power, the prior congress, prior appointees, and prior administrations going back nearly 100 years, and the current president and his administration are all to blame. He really should be more careful when making claims about whose responsible. It's not like he got his point across or anything. I think he just wants the president to do something about it all? Maybe he could propose solutions to these problems instead of being silent? Maybe that's it.

  5. Obama isn't the problem. He's not the one making any decisions. People need to direct their anger towards those pulling the strings, not the puppet itself.
  6. Will divine ever define what the tpp is?or how it's bad.? Despite multiple people asking in his threads.

    Nope just spam the fuckin box with sensationalism. Pretty ridiculous this is allowed to continue. And continue. And continue....
    Here's an article that talks a little about it. Basically the fear is that it will allow more things to be imported causing losses in American jobs which may have some truth but less than many are claiming.

    Another major concern is that America wants patents for medicine to stay at about 12 years well Australia wants about 5 years, which would drive up the price of medicines most likely in the long run. Another issue I've heard talk of but I've yet to see definitive proof is that the language used basically allows medical companies to change a drug slightly to one that has similar results and have easier access to parents which would drive down competition for generic drugs. Lastly, the biggest concern I've heard is pertaining to internet issues and basically what people have referred to as "backdoor sopa" policies. Now how true that is from what I've read is still unsubstantiated. Some have claimed that it might give the gov the right to shut down torrent sites among other things, but I don't know if that has been confirmed. I think there are reports that some policies pertaining to he Internet may be in it. At the end of the day the deal probably isn't terrible but it is a little concerning if there are issues like Internet and patents that will be dictated by something that is really outside the control of the U.S. to a certain extent.
  8. LOL Hillbillies with smart phones. Just because someone makes a video, doesn't mean they know what they're talking about, DVX. What does it matter that this guy as a Marine? It's just an unrelated fact you use to try and get an emotional response.

  9. Divine you strike me as someone who would be very overwhelming in an oral political debate. I don't mean that to be offensive but I feel like you'd be downright aggressive to get your point across. Do your thing
  10. Anyone else notice how if a marine or soldier makes a video talking shit on Obama everyone is all like "yeeeeAah America! Fuck O-Bama!"
  11. People never dig past the puppets, thats why they're there.
  12. Oh its an American soldier don't criticize them they are untouchable in this country. Kinda annoys me some people join the military to gain respect from others,like they chose to do that and now we owe them everything.

    Sounds like a lot of stupid Americans who think the mess of our government and country is all because of one fucking person who doesn't have as much power as we think they do.

    People need to stop playing the 2 party game like somehow if your beliefs fit into a party you are labeled as a Damn liberal or crazy conservative.

    Also all the religion we have involved with politics isn't helping anyone. Expecting someone to make important decisions for us when they let their religion interfere with their job. In America it's "freedom of religion" but basically you are expected to be a Christian anyway lol
  13. As a vet, I think what we need to do as a Nation is change the mindset of voters, to change the mindset of Congress, the President is only one man he doesnt have that much power.

    What we need to do is edcuate the masses and get the right people elected into the senate and the house since they are the ones that make most of the laws.

    We also need to get more involved with state officials, we need to focus on THE WHOLE government, not just the president.

    We need a big reform to motivate people to be informed about the laws being changed in their city and counties, we need a reform of people not just a new president.

    This is a serious issue that needs to be fixed, and the reason why our country is going to shit is because for some reason the people of our nation think the president is a king, its a republic democrocy.


  14. Congress are way more powerful than the president, as you know a president can veto a bill, but the senate can then revote and still pass a bill.

    The president doesnt have much power, he does have power but not as much as people think.

    So vote people, I volunteered for your right to vote and many have died for your right to freedom to vote, so please educate yourselfs vote in every election and become active in the laws being made.


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