Bashars Great Wisdom

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by 432, Jul 26, 2015.

  1. 432, Instead of chastising others for disagreeing and making others do the work by watching all these videos why don't you break down the most meaty bits of Bashar's great wisdom in text? I believe it is impertinent, to expect others to watch videos post and be that amenable without seeing some actual effort from a follower to persuade them.

  2. Compartmentalization.
  3. Yeah Chem trails aren't bad. It's just a big man made line in the sky that stays for multiple hours because of a jet? That fuel has to be the worst fuel released into the air. You're okay with a big man made line in the sky?
  4. They're just streaks of condensed water vapor in the sky, dude.
  5. so these jets are ran off of water? There's no other byproducts that come out of a jet engine? Because if they were ran off of water then okay but they aren't. Jets are ran off of special fuel which contains a lot of chemicals. So some of those chemicals turn into water vapor but what about the rest?
  6. It's not really just water from exhaust.. it is water vapor forming from the atmosphere. Jet fuel isn't that much different that other fuels.. but the exhaust, and even the plane itself, help provide a nucleation point for water to condense on.. thus forming clouds. That's why some streaks can seem to last forever and grow and grow. If the atmospheric conditions are just right, the exhaust creates a chain reaction of water to form clouds. Some streaks are from them cloud seeding too.. where the purposely use something with the intent of creating clouds. Yeah.. that exhaust sucks.. but it doesn't suck any more or less than the exhaust being kicked out by millions of cars.. but up in the atmosphere, it can help to seed clouds.
  7. #27 432, Aug 13, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 13, 2015
    Of course you know everything..

    Ok smart guy explain these

    Why in the world would they fly over the same spot in illogical repetitive directions and leave that mess in the sky?

    I understand a few lines in the sky from planes that used to draw stuff or just the ones that usually leave a trail but 100 lines? Makes no sense.. all in the same spot in all different directions definitely says something. If you don't see it something is definitely unbalanced with the part of the brain that uses critical thinking.

  8. Either those were created on a flight path with a lot of flight traffic or from a set of jets flying in formation.. or, as the photo states, seeding clouds. We do do that.. try to create clouds in areas by seeding the atmosphere to try and induce rainfall or suppress the growth of hail in storms by getting the water to drop out sooner.

    Notice how there aren't many other clouds in those photos? I don't know about you.. but the critical thinking part of my brain tells me that when you see numerous lines of clouds created where there are no clouds, that they're seeding clouds. Even more so when the very first photo mentions cloud seeding. It's not just aerosols.. some places use dry ice and thinking they're also looking at using salt.. and it's not one organization doing it with some evil intent.. it's numerous groups of people doing it for a variety of reasons.

    Also.. this is a photo of one of the types of cloud seeding equipment. Kind of obvious why there are numerous lines.
  9. Yes there is. You only have to look up to know their up to something sinister, then read about illnesses like Morgellons, the increase in Alzheimers. It's the above vaccines that we cannot hide from

    I recommend subbing to Project Camelot. Kerry interviews deep black op and above whistleblowers

  10. I wish I could help you with your paranoid delusions.. but the chemicals they spray absorbed into my nervous system and disabled my willpower.
  11. Your very sad joke is not just on you


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