Looking for a bong bag, help?

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by DrFallenX, Jul 26, 2015.

  1. So I recently bought a new bong, albeit the choice was a pretty impulsive one, over budget and definitely bigger than what I was looking for but I don't mind I fucking love this bong!😍😍 The only thing is though I can't keep it out in the open and I don't have a bag big enough to fit it in so I had a thought, I already dropped $180 on this, why not spend a little extra to get a proper bag to keep/carry it in? But I can't seem to find many options and most of them are smaller than what I was looking for, this guy stands about 19"-22" tall so I need a bag that can fit it(not as easy as it may seem..at least for me) can you guys help me out and send me some links to websites that would sell bong bags...and a lot of them! Thanks in advance
  2. Isnt it a beauty? 😍😍

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  3. came to say i fuck with one piece heavily, love the avatar.
  4. one piece is the shit! Currently watching the Sky Island Arc
  5. have you seen it all and are rewatching or is this your first time watching it?
  6. first time, my buddy's seen them all but he doesn't remember much so we're watching it together, it's so fucking sick I love it! If I recall correctly Luffy and everyone are having a big celebration before heading up to God and the Shandorians are bout to fuck up the Priests lol
  7. haha its a great show have fun, ive seen it all a few times now and skypia is one of my favorite arcs. Eneru/Enel is one of the most enjoyable villans in the whole show. BTW the ark that follows skypia Water 7/ Enels Lobby is hands down the best ark in the show, the only ones that comes close would be the war and Dressrosa.
  8. Thanks man, so far with every ark it just seems to keep getting better! The Pirate War is my friends favorite, he keeps going off about how great an ark it is. It's getting me pumped for it honestly
  9. yea, ask your friend if he agrees but the only ark that wasnt really great was thriller bark. all it brought to the table was re-affirming how badass luffy and zoro are and introducing 2 characters, the story of the ark its self was pretty boring.

    all my buddies agree with me on thriller bark being kind of dull
  10. I will definitely, but damn there's always one -.- it's okay though as long as the fight scenes are great and interesting, I can live with it :D
  11. the fight scene at the end is the ark is rediculous, but the lead up is dry
  12. The last fight *has* to be the best, or else it's game over 😭
  13. if you want the best fight scene its would have to go to either the war or fishman island, fishman island makes you realize just how crazy strong luffy became after the 2year gap.
  14. The Arlong Ark(if that's what you meant by Fishman Island) was what made me start to get into One Piece, the fight at the end was GREAT, and had so many feels. To be honest though I really didn't mind for Nami's back story, thought it was dumb :/
  15. nah, thats not fishman island. fishman island is an underwater island they go to right after the 2 year gap. arlong is from there and his death plays a part but thats not what i was talking about.
  16. OHHHHH MY GOD I THINK I KNOW THE ARK YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT! When we I was younger One Piece was playing on the TV and I just randomly stumbled upon it and the ark they were at had a bunch of Fishmen, it looked pretty cool, but at the same time I also had no idea tf was going on lol
  17. haha yep a bunch of fishmen and mermaids

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