Help? Spiritual? Name for it?

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by The3amJunkie, Jul 25, 2015.

  1. #1 The3amJunkie, Jul 25, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 25, 2015
    Well ill start off by saying that I do not believe in a single god, I believe in... nature I guess. I believe that the universe and everything is god. It is really hard to explain. there is a unknowing and invisible force/energy that shapes the universe. I guess the closest thing would be Buddhism or Hinduism.

    That is my question, what would you call that? I am trying to figure out my spirituality and it is really bugging me.. I feel like what I believe encompasses many religions and I can't put a finger on it.

  2. #3 Lenny., Jul 25, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2015
    It sounds like Pantheism.

    And it's not my cup of tea, but there you go.
  3. Yeah that sounds about what I have been believing my life. Still a bit different but it is the closest 'named' religion I have come across.

    What exactly is your 'cup of tea'?
  4. As far as religion goes, I don't have cup of tea. I'm without religion and spirituality. That's just me, though. I'm glad to have helped out in putting a name to a concept.
  5. Yeah thanks, it is still a struggle though, my whole 'spiritual' life is very confusing. I guess Pantheism and Buddhism are the closest i'm gonna get to a 'label'.
  6. So far, the only replies you've gotten are from atheists.. which is including me. From my PoV.. I wouldn't worry about a label. If I believed in God.. it would probably be more like Pantheism. Probably a little different cause I'd probably see God as more like an observer. Anyway, if I did believe.. I wouldn't worry about a label. They are only handy for describing it.. a reference point, not for telling you who you are. The human mind naturally wants to know about itself, so you will always feel the need to know who you are.. but I've found that if you struggle with who you are, it is best to give up and just be who you are. I mean, do you really think an all encompassing God who is a universe that countless light years across with trillions of galaxies each with billions of planets would want you to struggle with knowing him? I'd bet that he would want you to know worry and just do. Sorry.. I know you were looking for something specific and not a rant, but as said, pantheism sounds like the closest label.
  7. "Unknowing and invisible force that shapes the universe" - sounds like physics to me.
  8. There is no label.

    You just are :)
  9. #11 TesseLated, Jul 29, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 29, 2015
    Possibly a term you may connect with is:

    ˈanəˌmizəm/<input src="" height="14" type="image" width="14" style="font-size: small; font-family: arial, sans-serif;">
    <div class="lr_dct_sf_h" style="padding-top: 10px;">noun

    1. <div style="float: left;">1.
      <div class="_Jig"><div data-dobid="dfn" style="display: inline;">the attribution of a soul to plants, inanimate objects, and natural phenomena.

    2. 2.
      <div class="_Jig"><div data-dobid="dfn" style="display: inline;">the belief in a supernatural power that organizes and animates the material universe.


    This is closest to what I believe....The Universe is animated..or enlivened and permeated with an incomprehensible force....and this is Itself: Existence.

    No dogma, no rules....nothing. It just exists.....but lives through us just the same...It is 'us'....just as It is every single thing. The organism of Existence.

    *Note: This does include an all encompassing Consciousness.
  10. It doesn't need a label :)

    Let go of the urge to identify and label everything. Let things happen, you are on the right path!
  11. If someone asks me what my religion or spirituality are I just wanted to be able to say a short name instead of explaining it to them. Still trying to find my beliefs. :)

  12. lables are actually extremely important

  13. Sounds like Star Wars to me. :)
  14. I feel you, i have believed throughout my life that there have been many great spiritual teachers throughout time from ancient lumerian egypt buddah jesus and today. Once i landed on maui about 4 years found many people with the same beliefs' there is even a church called temple of peace with the similar belief that love and high vibrations encompass the spirituality respecting many great teachers. I think many people would like to put there spirituality in a box because it feels safe in the box and also fearing that if they leave their box they will burn for infinity years of hell fir and torture after they die. My 2 cents

  15. #17 432, Aug 5, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 5, 2015
    <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="The3amJunkie" data-cid="21889519" data-time="1438358498">

    If someone asks me what my religion or spirituality are I just wanted to be able to say a short name instead of explaining it to them. Still trying to find my beliefs. :)


    Just tell them you just are you just exist? Why do you need to fall into a category just because everyone else chooses to? Be Unique and Smile :) It will hit them hard and they will wonder why. Although i get what your saying. Just say your spiritual i guess.This might help understand the differences between religions and spirituality

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