Rastaman introduction

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by frostyfart, Jul 24, 2015.

  1. Hello everyone, I figured that since I've already had 2 threads made under my name, I should introduce myself. My name is frostyfart and I am a Rasta. I know what you might be thinking, "Oh he is just a kid who says he is Rasta so he can smoke weed." Wrong actually. I have been smoking for just over a year, and recently went through a transition trying to find something I truly believed in and can have faith and feel good about it. (Since at about this time I was having a lot of friend issues with some leaving suddenly, I didn't want to put my faith into someone that the same could happen to again.) I used to have a friend called Doggie Dogg, who had dreads and ended up being one of my best friends. he had his dreads for a summer, and they were shoulder length, formed by the ocean. We were best friend to the point to where when he was going to join the Marines, he let me cut them for him (Sad Day). He also lived with me for about 3 months when he had nowhere else to go. But anyway he had them and they looked cool. So almost a year after he cut them, I decided that they look would work well on me, and I started doing them. Which lead me to research other reasons why people get them. Which lead me to Rastafari, Where the Rastaman does not cut or comb his hair, because his hair will reveal who he is on the inside (A.k.a. Their personality). Plus all the other stuff about Rasta, such as treating your body well by following a vegetarian diet, and treating others they way you would treat yourself (Although, this has led to a few bad situations on my end). It's Nice to meet you all! Introduce or ask questions if any occur to you!


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