Eating healthy and right in a budget.

Discussion in 'Fitness, Health & Nutrition' started by bananapancakes38, Jul 24, 2015.

  1. As I've grown older I've noticed that there's a lot of high octane crap out there. I personally want to be healthier, but I'm kinda on a bit of a budget at the moment. Do you have any tips???

  2. #2 Through The Trees, Jul 24, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 24, 2015
    Just replace bad food with good food. Do you go out to eat a lot? If so cut back. Instead of spending like ten bucks to eat out you could buy some fresh deli meats and bread which could last a week. Or some bulk chicken breasts, some frozen mixed veg, and a thing of rice. For the price of two cups of coffee you could buy a weeks worth of beans to brew your own at home. Instead of buying snacks buy a big thing of peanut butter. Things like that.
  3. Nuts and seeds keep well and require less preperation (reducing power bill and cleaning supply use) and you'll lose less to waste

    Find what fruits and veggies are local cause they will be cheaper

    Avoid meat, not for any health reason, but just because of price.

  4. Join a CSA (community supported agriculture) when you have a few $$ in your pocket, and then the fresh fruits and veggies will keep rolling in every week, even if you are broke. :)
  5. that sounds interesting. What is it exactly? Like a club?

  6. If you can grow veggies or fruits that would be great. Ive got to get started on that.
    Some books and some videos and you can probably get most of your meals without money.
    Soups, salads, mm.
    Maybe from time to time if you like to fish go ahead and catch your own. Sounds silly but if you got the equipment learn how to do all the cleaning and preparation and bam. Fresh caught v store bought is such a difference in taste, quality, and smell
    If you can get large packets of seeds or nuts for a discount go ahead, infact, whenever you buy something go ahead and see if you can get a discount or coupon lol
  7. CSA is also called a "farm share." You pay up front, the farmer uses your $$ to buy seeds and fertilizer, and then you get fresh veggies from the farm every week during the growing season. Lots of CSA's deliver to urban areas, so you can get farm fresh veggies even if you don't live in the country.
  8. #8 bananapancakes38, Jul 29, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2015
    That's a great idea!!! I knew a guy that had a little garden in his backyard. It was absolutely delightful. I think if I fix up my backyard I could pull off a garden of my own. It's much more better to grow things yourself!!!

    Now if I just knew how to fish...
  9. We have a CSA but it's get a lot of stuff though I just dont go through that much cooking for 1
  10. Hi there, guys! There is a really great article on healthy eating on fitness blog which will surely help you. I am starting eating healthy too, so we can share our experience here, I guess :) Do you exercise, by the way?
  11. #12 432, Aug 24, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 24, 2015
    Find your local fruit/veggie market and ditch supermarkets. Eat foods provided by nature and not food in boxes or bags and your life will change dramatically within the next few months. You will become faster, stronger, smarter, feel lighter, more energy the list can go on for days [​IMG]

    Avoid foods with stickers starting with the number 8 and are 5 digits they are GMO.

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