Why does George sorros support legalization?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by letsmokeasweet, Jul 24, 2015.

  1. I don't know if its the weed I'm smoking or America's book of secrets lol but now I am curious why a person who has manipulated currencies and economies would want a populace that smokes weed??
    Why would a person who supports large government would take away some power and control from the government?
    Does anyone have any thoughts? Thanks

  2. thank you for the link
    how much has he donated for education?
    I know he pays for "marketing" but does he give a lot to the education side?
  3. Wait - I thought rightwing Conservatives were supposed to be the the political pole most concerned with enhancing personal liberty and minimizing government intrusion into our personal lives.
  4. All about that tax revenue baby - that's the big ticket for gov't to accept legalization.

    If prohibition of marijuana never occurred back in the days, it would probably just be subject to a state sales tax and there would be little to no concern for oversight over the production/retail/consumption of the substance... Now that it has been outlawed for so long, and the 'Drug War' has tarnished its history (to the degree that it could), the gov't will tax the shit out of consumers and treat grown adults like they are still doing them a favor and 'allowing' them a special privilege.

  5. And yet people still think the government could give the slightest of fucks about them.
  6. On the contrary, I'm sure they care about us......that's why we're called "consumers" and "taxpayers"
  7. Damned if you do.. damned if you don't.
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    </div></div><h3 class="" style="margin-bottom: 0px; font-weight: normal; min-height: 50px; "><i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i> Posted <abbr class="published" itemprop="commentTime" title="2015-07-24T13:25:45+00:00">Today, 08:25 AM</abbr>
    </h3>Wait - I thought rightwing Conservatives were supposed to be the the political pole most concerned with enhancing personal liberty and minimizing government intrusion into our personal lives.

    <div class="ipsLikeBar left clearfix" id="rep_post_21871894"></div>

    This is exactly why I am wondering. He does not seem like the kind who would want less government intrusion.
    Sorry I would quote but I can't find the box...
  8. Because legalizing marijuana is the correct thing to do, so it's a simple case of a guy who's having the correct position. People are known to do that sometimes.
  9. Ranchers take decent care of their cattle.
  10. An unhealthy population is an unproductive population. Got to keep them just healthy enough.
  11. Seems to be whats going on in Colorado where they will charge 60 dollars for an 8th when it costs 25-30 on the streets.
  12. Damn right

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