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Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by The Tech Savvy Stoner, Jul 23, 2015.

  1. Taste great less filling!

  2. yes it does yummmmmmm!! Æā
  3. This post so belongs in the "new blades be like....' forum. Eating seeds and stems. That's fine. Now please, on behalf of most of the GC community, do NOT tell us that you get high from eating stems and seeds. You are wasting weed and time.
  4. I am sorry but its not a high that is like smoking it more a euphoric feeling like calm not all over the place. I love the hemp seed and yes I do like eating stems for fiber I never to have claimed that I get "high" from eating weed I was asking the more seasoned tokers among us is this normal and asking biomechanial questions of thc-a to d-9 thc conversion
  5. And my ? Has been solved thanks all of you for your comments if the op moves this to a different area thas cool by me too
  6. I do eat bud sometimes Different high and I don't really like smoking.
    It's nasty but doable. That's what she said lol

  7. I love the taste besy fiber for you
  8. Edibles are easy to make! I've made brownies, muffins, even used heavy creamer and put in my coffee. When I was younger we used to swallow the roaches. You need heat and fat or alcohol.
  9. wow cant beleive this thred is still going :) :p
  10. Not gonna say I've never eaten a piece of weed, but only in very small loose pieces when I'm fucking baked and have more than enough. I say fuck it and eat some. But no, it doesn't get you high.
  11. I'd also like to add than when you make edibles you need FAT to get full effect of it. Milk (when making tea) is in no way near the fat contents you would need to make a good edible/drinkable. I'd suggest making cannabutter (let water get to boiling point, put it on low heat so it just simmers, add bowl with butter in it in that pot so you have yourself a neat little waterbath to control heat, add ground up weed or hash, let it sit for a long as you can stand, Id say no less that 1 hour or it'd be a waste of canna for your butter.) Let it set in the fridge. Use in whatever the fuck you can think of to add butter to, will get you fucked up, son.

  12. Fuck no I don't eat raw weed. Pointless and gross.
  13. the comments are hilarious... "your body is not hot enough to activate the THC"

    I almost fell out of my chair...

    the amount of weed you are digesting and ultimately absorbing sublingual and through your intestine is not great enough to cause an effect.

    you're only wasting it if the value of getting high is greater than using it for an oral fixation
  14. There was a thread about juicing raw cannabis a while back.
    Needless to say, it didn't go far.
  15. i eat it when i am ages away from skins and i have spare weed, placebo probably but i feel a little high from it.
  16. Watch the Strain Central video "Does Eating Raw Weed Get You High?" He explains how THC-A needs to be decarbed to become THC which is much stronger than THC-A and shit
  17. I ate the main growing shoot off of my first plant I grew when I topped it.

    I treated it like breaking a champagne bottle on a new ship before it sails.
  18. [​IMG]
  19. Ate some shake from a friend in high school to "rid the evidence". Just gave me a stomach ache and no high
  20. Watch Strain Central's video "Does Eating Raw Weed Get You High?" He explains the decarb process and how THC differs from THC-A. Eating raw weed does not really get you high.

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