Evangelists and Warmistas; the great irony

Discussion in 'Politics' started by papabull, Jul 23, 2015.

  1. Despite the fact that the true believers of both Christianity and Anthropogenic Global warming are waging a sociopolitical war on each other, they both have the same strategy. The strategy is simple. Scare people into accepting your beliefs and demands by trying to convince them that their holy scriptures guarantee that those who don't give up their evil ways will have to live in a very hot, horrible hell. And, of course, they must also try to silence all opposition and challenge to those beliefs.

    Anthropogenic global warming, you see, is really just another faith-based religion.
  2. No it is not a religion. Similarly to vaccines global warming is a scientific field that has been highly politicized and because of it many people blindly choose one side to stick with. The simple fact is global warming is real and will have many serious consequences like major increases in drought. Both the fear mothering green peace and the evangelists who say nothing is wrong have their heads up their asses
  3. The earth has been in a state of constant climate change from the beginning of it's existence. This is a money grab and it is driven by pseudo-science. The truly scientific perspective is that we think man is probably having some impact on the climate but there isn't enough evidence to produce a projection model that matches reality and, therefore, can't determine the weight of the impact. "Negligible" seems about right, though.
  4. you may be 100% right and global warming might be natural

    However the facts remain.

    The total ammount of Desertification on our land is increasing world wide. Why?

    This will make our food production more difficult. How can we fix it?

    What are we going to do when sea levels rise and cover the homes of billions of people?

    Natural or man made, its something we need to prepare for so we aren't fucked with mass drought, reduced food production, displaced people, and unpredictable weather

  5. what if a mass extinction by climate change is necessary. like the plague. if not for climate change overpopulation will do the trick anyway, this way will be less painful
  6. I guess it depends on one's definition of "religion," but the Climate Paranoia sure seems like one.

    Of course, it makes a great vehicle for government expansion and wealth confiscation, which deeply interests politicians from all over the globe.

    "Climate change" has been going on for 4 billion years.

    Droughts? There is a finite amount of water on the planet. It keeps raining, snowing, running downhill, then evaporating, starting the endless cycle all over again. It isn't always distributed the way we want it, so we call them "floods" or "droughts."

    Where I live (NYS) 10-20,000 years ago there was an ice sheet here a mile thick. Five-hundred or so years ago there was a mini-ice age in Europe.

    The dinosaurs came and went, as have thousands of other species.

    Over the eons areas become deserts, and existing deserts become non-deserts.


  7. That was beautiful Maan.. *Tommy Chong tone*
  8. #8 *ColtClassic*, Jul 25, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 25, 2015
  9. Climate change is so yesterday....
  10. I didn't say it was 100 percent natural. I said that I think the effect human activity as a climate driver is negligible.

    I think the idea of taking action to fix it is pretty silly until we can have some reason to believe that whatever action we take would have an effect. The earth has been much, much warmer while we have walked the earth and will be both cooler and warmer again.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  11. Exactly! I've been saying this forever. Humans are so fucking arrogant and stupid that they actually think they have any choice in the climate of the earth. We are going into another tropical age and 10's of thousands of years after that will be another ice age and nothing humans do will stop that. Hopefully if humans are still around then they will learn from recorded history (yeah right) and know this is is just a natural progression that they can not and will not stop or start.
  12. At this point droughts have been increasing drastically, but most people in the U.S. Haven't noticed with the exception of maybe California. We know that the problem is going to get worse especially in a lot of third world nations in extremely hot places like Africa and the Middle East. We need to plan now some means to help out countries with major drought issues. You may ask yourself why do I care about drought? Well the simple fact is that drought is a massive cause of instability and often leads to mass chaos/violence. Ultimately, things like drought and even other major environmental issues we've developed over time will lead to the instability that will allow more ISIS like groups to take hold. As much as people want to deny it we have pretty good evidence that this is going to become a serious issue in many countries, regardless of whether it is caused by humans, and pretending that it won't be an issue is silly.
  13. #13 papabull, Jul 25, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 25, 2015

    El Niño is cyclical. Droughts aren't more common. They are more reported. There is just as much water on this planet this year as 50 years ago. Everything is going to seem more common, more widespread, more frequent and more intense until we adjust our information noise filters to deal with Internet conditions. It's a shitstorm of information hitting us and the kernels of truth have to be picked out of piles of shit.

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