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Please help. New to dabbing :)

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by Malone13, Jul 23, 2015.

  1. Hey guys,
    So I'm new to dabbing and there must be something I'm doing wrong because I can't get the bubbler to fill up with smoke and get a good hit. So I have water in the bubbler, I've heated up my ceramic nail with the torch (I have pictures below.) When I take my concentrate that's on my dab tool and put it into the heated nail, the shatter melts right away, but when I'm hitting the pipe, barely any smoke gets into the chamber and I'm basically just wasting it. (I get a tiny bit is smoke, but nothing to what I should be) Is there something I'm doing wrong??? I know the butane torch is small, but it gets a petty good flame and I light it for a while, and gets the nail extremely hot. Please help, it would be greatly appreciated. Below are pictures.
    ImageUploadedByTapatalk1437623257.873327.jpg ImageUploadedByTapatalk1437623269.972691.jpg ImageUploadedByTapatalk1437623286.923775.jpg
  2. use a carb cap. it will allow you to vape at lower temps like that. your torch is very small and wont get it quite hot enough. my friend had the same nail and a torch exactly like that, you would pretty much need to empty the torch just for one dab.
  3. It's not smoking cuz it's not hot enough. IMO.

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  4. try using a titanium nail! universal ones last super long, are easy to clean, heat up faster than ceramic & show the redness of the heat better, but it also just gives you a better hit over all if you heat it and use it correctly :)
  5. Yep, carb cap was the first thin that came to mind when I seen a domeless.


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