United States presidential election 2016 This Bernie Sanders fella

Discussion in 'Politics' started by VikingToker, Jul 22, 2015.

  1. So when is the last time you have had a job or paid into this system you want? You just sit there with your hand out telling us all to get off or high horse and pay you and you provide what value in return exactly?
  2. "I'm not fond of taxes, so I'll stay unemployed and EXPECT others to pay for my basic needs because I'm too lazy too. You're a monster for not wanting to pay for me! You're selfish!"
  3. Do you not see how you sound?

    Telling someone to suck it up and die with dignity because some bumblefuck went on a rampage?

    I'd like to see you say that to someone whose 10 year old child got shot in a drive by, or developed cancer, that they had no right to live
  4. If I were choosing unemployment you may have a point, but I'm not.

    I love how it's always ignored that I don't want it just for me, it's that I want it for everyone, nope I'm selfish for wanting non-rich people to be treated with dignity.
  5. Oh. Nice emotional tactic. Typical of leftists.
  6. Yes because empathy is such a dirty thing to have.
  7. See, the thing with empathy is, it's all good. But once you try to force it on people, that makes you the asshole. If I CHOOSE to donate money to someone's surgery, that's my choice, as it should be. Don't get the fucking government to come rob me for your shit.
  8. He is a spoiled child with no concept of the real world. He live with his dad who also has no job and sits at the computer all day getting drunk and high and bitching when we don't want to support his horrible life choices and then using emotional falisies to justify this bullshit. Get a fucking job lux!
  9. Or, y'know, stay jobless if you want. That's your choice. But don't expect anyone else to provide for your needs if you won't do it for yourself.
  10. I have as much empathy for people as they have for me. If you want to send men to put a gun to my head and force me to pay for you terrible life choices then fuck you and the horse you rode in on.

    Still waiting on an answer to my question lux.
  11. I have empathy

    I share and understand the feeling that you don't want to spend hard earned money on those who haven't earned it or could otherwise get a job.
  12. He jus another politician looking for a paycheck...
  13. Honestly is doesn't matter what twisted d or Johnny weed seed says you know why? Because they don't decide who votes . They are bitter selfish people who do not represent most Americans. Don't give a fuck what you guys think if you don't like Bernie please by all means tell me which giant corporation you will be voting for ?
  14. #954 Biggreenbear, Dec 1, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 1, 2015
    Y'all act like expanding welfare is the basis of his platform . How about what he wants to do to fix our crumbling infrastructure. The fact the he's wants marijuana removed from the scheduled drugs act . Fuck outta here with that free stuff bullshit guess what you already paying taxes how about it go to stuff that matters
  15. Force empathy? Lay off the crack rocks, dude. This is why this country is so fucking twisted: people don't want to help other people out. It's an every person for themselves mentality that has led us down this road. Everything is divided.

    Why shouldn't all people look out for one another, if their intentions are good? I'm not saying to have sympathy for a killer, but what about the victim? People shouldn't have to choose between their home mortgage and their medical bills.
  16. isolate yourselves from each other

    antagonize each other

    ignore each other when in need


    trump for god-emperor of usa 2016

    deus rex trumpus inmortalitatem, long may he reign

  17. I'm all for VOLUNTARY social programs. It's the gun to the head, forced, taxation based welfare state bullshit that I have issue with. Call me a crazy bitter asshole but I'm not a fan of people forcing me to do things.
  18. “I have never understood why it is "greed" to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else's money.” - Thomas Sowell

    “Since this is an era when many people are concerned about 'fairness' and 'social justice,' what is your 'fair share' of what someone else has worked for?”

  19. Can't leave Lux out. Shout out to Lux.

    “One of the consequences of such notions as ‘entitlements' is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.”

    If I remember correctly, didn't you have an inheritance of like 100k or so and blew through it in a month or whatever? And you think you deserve other people's money? dafuq are you smoking?
  20. Insert my standing ovation here.

    To both quotes of course.

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