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Please help my mom has bad arthritis

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by nodeal, Jul 21, 2015.

  1. My mother has debilitating arthritis and it's causing her depression. She is in her 50s and in very good shape for her age but her aches and pains due to inflammation and arthritis are wearing her down. Simple tasks can be agonizing for her and I feel terrible.

    Nothing alleviates the pain, so I want her to try marijuana. She has tried smoking it once before and has reacted very negatively to the psychoactive effects. She basically can't handle the high and bugs out. I was thinking of buying straight CBD, but heard it isn't as effective as THC when used for inflammation/arthritis type pains.

    Does anybody have any suggestions for me? Medical marijuana is not legal where I am. I can get weed and what they call wax which is like a concentrate you can smoke out of the vape pen. I would give this to her but due to her prior experience, I do not feel as though my mom will react well to this and she will bug out and have a bad trip again. What should I do?
  2. I came home one day to find my mom stoned after smoking with the guys who do the landscaping. she smoked one hit from a pipe and got the usual first time stoner paranoia, giddy, talkative so the next time she tried it, she took two hits off a bong and had a very bad time and it was very unpleasant. she tried it again using a pipe and has built up a tolerance and now smokes all day long for nausea and arthritis. I'm not sure how much she tried at first but I think that smoking it from a pipe and not something like a bong or a concentrate would be better from my experience with my mom.
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  3. Investigate organic apple coder vinegar both internally and externally- rub it on joint areas

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