Daily usage

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by productivepothead, Jul 21, 2015.

  1. Why is it that people look at daily Marijuana use with such condemnation? Why is it looked at in general as being worse than its much more harmful counterpart, cigarettes? I have been smoking pot daily for about 7 or 8 months, and it hasn't produced any negative side effects that I can see. I don't over use it (usually 5-6 bowl hits after a long days work... ends up being about .2g per day high quality bud). Instead, I try to use it as a reward to getting my shit done, and have been able to maintain an extremely productive life style (both physically and mentally). I've been thinking about whether or not it's a problem in my life, and society and the media tells me yes, but my personal experience tells me no. Any thoughts on this?
  2. I have never understood it. People will drink beer or wine, smoke a cigarette,tweak on Adderall or take pain pills every single day for decades without blinking but have judgment with us on the regular. I stay high and have always been more productive than a lot of my non-smoking coworkers and friends.

  3. People just don't understand the herb. Society sucks dude, you're spot on with what you're saying. We just have to wait for the rest of the world to catch up.

    Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk
  4. To me daily use for anything is habit forming and addiction is no.doubt unhealthy for anything.

    Even non chemical addictions like gaming cause lifestyle issues.

    All things in moderation

  5. i think at times daily use can be beneficial, but most of the time moderation is best

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