Powdery mildew 2 week into flower.. I dont know what to do.. help

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by lusca24, Jul 3, 2015.

  1. I'm stuck. I'm 2 weeks into flower and im growing organically in soil. I've had fungus gnats and and other problems and then things started to look great and now I'm plagued by this. Or is it not powdery mildew? And can I completely get rid of it or am I screwed?

  2. First with a soft wet, paper towel gently wipe away what u can without speading it more. then treatment with an active agent to kill the rest is a good plan. Neem oil works on powdery mildew, like a tablespoon in a water filled spray bottle. May cause a funy taste in the buds tho if applied directly to them. Hydrogen peroxide 1 teaspoon to a gallon of water i have also heard works. Do u have plenty of air circulation? that will help prevent it in the future.

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