What does the Bible/Christians say about Aliens? Do they go to Hell? Did God create them?

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by As Above So Below, Jul 2, 2015.

  1. god Could have created other worlds after all he created other galixies. im not sure but i think our galixixy is like 250 million years Younger than our closest galixiy andromeder.

    so if you look at OUR exsitance we are a blip in time acording to gods life ......... its ridicuoslous to even type about this let alone think about.

    so they could be other human creations on other planets WE JUST DONT KNOW.

    i believe to help answer most questions we BEG to ask god is to put yourself in his shoe for a minute and TRY to understand what it would be like to be god .... a human .... with hands .... and eyes .... and ears ... ???? "but iv got all these ?"

    i fucking ask myself lol
  2. yea but op wants the Christian Bible perspective not the rational one.

  3. the christian bible perspertive on .. erm ... aliens

    ok :)

    in the begining there was an alien etc etc etc ...... got crucified the end

    jk;) im actually a christian so i dont believe anyones views until verified with god about aliens or boogy men etc etc anything really, iv given up thinking whats what and whys why, so im waiting to get the answer from our mcgod ...... hes a dude

    but on a serious note they could quite easily be differnt human things on other planets full of gods old creations ..... we could be the last one if this makes sense, all the rest of them just didnt work .... god makes mistakes, u only have to look at the increase in population to the size of the non-increasing earth to discover that god made a mistake if this world was to be forever .... which it was.

    who knows?
  4. #24 Tiama Plop, Jul 8, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 8, 2015
    LOL because we are so perfect right? This thread stinks.
  5. I think that Christians will once again have to redefine their beliefs to accommodate new findings. As did they with galileo, Darwin (i think), and probs other things that shook up their point of view.
  6. how can we be so perfect shooting guns ?
  7. What makes you think that? I'd say in general we've been lead to believe through TV and movies if aliens show themselves their intentions will be hostile.

    All this talk in the news about Mars and comets most likely harboring microbial or evidence of microbial life. Feels like they are bracing the public to better absorb the news that aliens are real and are much closer than we've been taught to think.

    We should all strive to be objective when evaluating reality. The next period of human experience is going to require an open mind and trying to explain aliens with the bible is irrelevant to reality.
  8. Yeah that's what I'm saying

    Wars, corruption, poverty, famine...
    Deforestation, oil spills, nuclear disasters...
    Cancer, alzheimers, psychopathy, schizophrenia...
    Divorce, substance abuse, addiction, obesity...

    That's the tip off the iceberg; we are a rotten, rotten society.

    I can only hope that when you said...
    ...you were being sarcastic? Mocking christian ignorance?

    Because if not... that is moronic and delusional.. hate to have to say it.

  9. sarcastic doesnt come into my vocab sorry, mocking doesnt either nor does ignorance ..... these are childish words correct ?

    ""Wars, corruption, poverty, famine...
    Deforestation, oil spills, nuclear disasters...
    Cancer, alzheimers, psychopathy, schizophrenia...
    Divorce, substance abuse, addiction, obesity.""" .................. all mans fault through either greed of money or just plain stupidity .

    The rest are gods mistakes.

  10. #30 Tiama Plop, Jul 9, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 9, 2015
    Lol, you confirmed it

    No need to comment further

  11. what did i confirm?
  12. A literal hell isnt real.


    Also, some Christians believe the Nephilim are aliens.
  13. the Bible was written in a time where space was the heavens

    Perhaps angels/Desmond and aliens are synonymous

  14. Perhaps.

    However when the Bible uses the term heavens im there are 3 distinct meanings behind the terms. One was the heavens in which birds fly, the was heavens where stars reside, the final was the celestial realm. It also uses the term firmament for the first two heavens.
  15. #35 drvannostrand, Jul 20, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 20, 2015
    From an actual Christian

    The primary difficulty with aliens and Christianity, is Jesus. That God came into human history for the purpose of atoning for sin. In order for the sacrifice of Christ and the existence of aliens to agree, there are three options:

    1) Jesus coming into physical reality in simultaneous locations in the universe (though I think this view poses some theological issues in terms of the nature of God)

    2) Aliens would have to know of and accept Jesus for their sins as well

    3) All other intelligent life (apart from us) never sinned to begin with therefore the sacrifice of Christ is unnecessary for their salvation

    And of course, if we are to be strict to the scientific method, there is no evidence that aliens do exist and we are truly unique in the universe.

    And the above is correct, the writers made distinctions with the use of the word "heavens"
    1) sky
    2) space
    3) paradise
  16. I'm pretty sure Heaven and Hell are all in our minds.
  17. I AGREE WITH @atoker
  18. The good thing is, we can know, and we have answers. God provided us with his Word, which we call the Bible. The earth is younger than 10,000 years old, and God created humans, animals, and insects. God didn't create aliens, because aliens is just an accepted and concept that has been shoved down our throats because they are demons. Space is ehat thr Bible calls the 2nd heaven, it never mentions any other life other than us, angels, demons and God (The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit) :)
  19. You should read some Hugh Ross before taking about the 10,000 year stuff. If Augustine could admit that Genesis doesn't HAVE to be taken literally, so can the rest of us.

    However, Hugh Ross would agree with on the correlation between aliens and demons. Why is it that astronomers that spend 1000s of hours watching the stars never see anything yet some redneck does?

    Historically "aliens" have been changing their story when it comes to their interactions with humans. First they're from the moon, then Mars, then Pluto, then beyond. Not to mention the links with New Age philosophies and the belief in extraterrestrials. I find it interesting that atheists won't give an inch to Christians but readily accept the possibility of aliens or the multiverse without a shred of evidence.
  20. God created the heavens and earth... Of course He made aliens too. If you have trouble with that concept perhaps you don't think enough of our creator which is easy because He's bigger than we can possibly imagine. The question of aliens having faith is more complicated. Do they believe in a divine creator? Yes probably so. Do they believe Jesus died on the cross for our sins? Probably not since Jesus was on earth. Regardless tho I don't feel that the souls of aliens should be our concern. Quite frankly its between them and our maker. We aren't the judge, God is and if we can't open our hearts to an alien race, learn from them instead of judging them then who are we really?
    As for the terrifying thought of hell please consider this.. We are all God's children. Why would our loving father want to burn us? When our children do something wrong we don't torture them or burn them. We accept them for who they are, teach them lessons from mistakes they make and no matter what love them anyway. Why would Our Father be any different?

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