What does the Bible/Christians say about Aliens? Do they go to Hell? Did God create them?

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by As Above So Below, Jul 2, 2015.

  1. I'm a very spiritual person but I don't really hold one specific religious belief. I've been reading a lot lately about people's experiences in Hell and how terrifying it is.

    Some of the Stories

    23 Minutes in Hell

    It's sounds so stupid but I have this other worldly fear of spiders. I absolutely cannot stand them. So when I read about people's experiences and about all the horrifying creatures they see , especially giant fucked up spiders/demons , I'd rather repent in this life to avoid any sort of interaction with those fucked up things in the afterlife / for all of eternity. I had never actually believed in Hell or anything but once I started to read all these NDEs , Heaven/Hell stories , I'm sort of a believer now.

    I try to be a rational person and I can usually see both sides to every argument and I have a very open mind , about anything.

    The one topic I can't seem to wrap my head around is Aliens and God. I believe that the universe is so vast that there has to be other life out there. And with all the accounts / sightings / personal experiences , I think aliens are real.

    But if Aliens are real , did God create them? Do Aliens go to Heaven or Hell?

    Or did God create the Universe and create Man , but he only gave us the use of Spirituality? Like say , us Humans are spiritual creatures and there is an after life , while God also created the building blocks of life for other life forms but gave them no spirituality - so they really do just "go to nothingness" after they die?

    Any help? Thoughts?
  2. If you are a Christian, aliens dont exist

    Unless you are modern "Christian" who thinks the Bible is fallible but still believed in it for some reason.

  3. #3 As Above So Below, Jul 2, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 2, 2015
    Like I said I'm not exactly a Christian but I've read a lot of people's experiences and don't discount them. Just like I don't discount people's experiences that they've been abducted.

    Anything more you could provide? Not saying that in a condescending way or anything , just curious if you have any more input.

    EDIT: Again , not trying to be an asshole , but from reading your post I could tell it was meant to be sort of a jab at Christians , which is not what I'm here for.
  4. The bible was written in a time when outer space was actually "heaven"

    They would have considered aliens to be angels or deamons.

    The earth is the center of the universe and Jesus was sent to earth to save humans.

    In christian mythology there is no such thing as aliens.

    Modern secular Christians would probly try to make something up like "maybe they were sent their own Jesus", or "there are no aliens"

  5. #5 As Above So Below, Jul 2, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 2, 2015
    I was looking for a reply from someone who actually believes in the bible and has a more meaningful answer. Your answer just spews know it all , so please refrain from posting in the future. Thanks.
  6. not to be a dick but

    I was born and baptized in the Catholic faith.
    I went to Catholic Sunday school and went to a Catholic private school during my elementary school days.

    I went tthrough all the sacraments and was even confirmed when I was 21.

    I became an athirst later in life.

    I know more about the Christian faith than probly 90% of the posters on this sight.

  7. With respect*

    I answered your question truthfully and correctly and am more than qualified to do so.

    I do not see the need for such rudeness

  8. I was looking for a reply from someone who actually believes in the bible and has a more meaningful answer. Your answer just spews know it all , so please refrain from posting in the future. Thanks
  9. #9 As Above So Below, Jul 2, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 2, 2015
    Yeah.... So did *I*. Point being?

    My family was all about faith growing up but I couldn't truly accept it which is why I started to question such things...
  10. The Bible doesn't address aliens, but God does say that those who don't believe Jesus is Lord and Savior are going to burn in hell for eternity. Despite us hating God, he died on the cross for us as Jesus just so we could be with Him for eternity. I suggest you read the Book of John in the Bible/Download the Bible app. Aliens are a sugarcoated word for demons so the elite can persuade the public to think they're cool beings from different planets here to help, when in reality Aleister Crowley summoned a demon in the 1900's and drew it; it looks exactly like what is depicted to be an alien today with the big round eyes and round forehead/pointed chin. If you have any further questions don't hesitate to dm me :)
  11. what is wrong with you? You need help

  12. I've heard this before. I'm going to look into that. Interesting!
  13. #13 Carne Seca, Jul 3, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 3, 2015

    Crowley's drawing....
  14. op is looking for a "meaningful" answer

    Whatever that means LOL

    But yea basically what I been saying.

  15. Some people don't know when they get an answer
  16. #17 Monkey55, Jul 6, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 7, 2015
    Please ignore Yuri. He/She tends to believe that he or she has or knows the truth and follows through with that belief in such a way that it becomes disruptive to individuals who seek answers.
    Keep on asking questions. When you seek the truth with the purest intentions, your path will set forth the knowledge that has been laid out for you.
    While seeking truth externally, one should continual to look inwardly. Whereas one begins to open one's eye, one will discover many truths that lie within oneself. As some religions and philosophy reveal - God/god/Truth/Light/Love is within our Heart.
    Many believe that the darkness cannot exist when light is present. When One walks in the Light, One can only experience the Light. It is individuals who choose to close their eyes from Light which, in which at that time, it appears to be dark.
    It is not God/god/Truth/Light/Love who leaves Man(human) alone. It is Man who separated his/her self from Source.
    Everything that has bee written about Heaven and Hell can only begin to scratch the surface as to the experience of what one might endure. Do not think about the tangible objects from the depiction of Heaven and Hell. However, think about the the feelings and emotions that were experienced or might be experienced if one were to be in that situation.
    Heaven and Hell can be analyzed or compared to the law of attraction whereas Likeness attracts Likeness. The true intentions of one's Heart will allow one to gravitate towards like energy.
    It has been intended that Man experiences many unknowns. This feeling of "not knowing" drives many individuals to seek the truth. That drive allows individuals to walk the path of our existence.
    Be at Peace and Oneness with Yourself.
  17. yes ignore me

    Its not like I was born and raised Catholic or went to Sunday school.or anything

    I don't know shit about the opaque topic on Christianity and aliens :lol::D:lol:

  18. I think you mean purest. Purist isn't exactly flattering. It suggests inflexibility, close mindedness and intolerance.
  19. Oops...
    Thanks for catching that..

    That one letter does change the whole meaning of the intention of that sentence. ;)



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