Im a real piece of shit

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Sanguine, Jun 30, 2015.

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  1. Sit your girlfriend down and tell her what's up, she needs to know that she should seek medical attention.
    Then start hunting a new girlfriend.

  2. Yeah because feelings are totally not a thing right?
  3. Your GF is going to be fucking PISSED. Whether she shows it or not.
  4. Op, look on the bright side. Atleast you didn't has AID's.
  5. Stop fucking around and tell her. There are serious health risks the longer it goes untreated. It can cause infertility and a type of arthritis that is 4 times more likely in women than men. What's done is done. You shouldn't be stalling on this. If something happens that could have been prevented she is going to hate you til the end of time. Sit her down. Explain everything. You have to tell her no matter what you think is going to happen. This isn't something to fuck around with.
  6. to think this could have been prevented if you had just jerked off instead

  7. Better open up that little black book, man. You're done.
  8. Hey your still young with it .. 20 years from now you can look back at this and laugh .. so just bite the bullet & come out with it ... then stick your chest out n handle whatever she says or does & prepare for one hella episode ..
  9. I've been telling myself this more and more lately, words of wisdom for sure.
  10. Exactly my thoughts. Why did you willingly cheat on her in the first place? You could have HIV now that if I think correctly it can take a few months before it shows up on a test.
  11. I read the whole thread and all i can utter is: "you can get mouth clap?"
  12. You just have to face the music
  13. That chick u cheated on your gf with played u. Id beat her ass for that STD bullshit.
  14. Do the right thing man. Think about how to tell her, and don't make excuses. After you tell her it's her call where the relationship goes from here. This is a good reason to stop drinking. Regardless of how drunk you were, I think you should have seen a big red flag when the slutty girl was asking so much about you having diseases. Her choice to go raw with a guy she just met should have sent you running.

    I've read about how marijuana possibly eases the symptoms, so I recommend you consume a large amount of THC.

  15. Get the medicine and slip it to her unknowingly. It's not bad to drug your girlfriend if you're curing her of a possible std you gave to her. Everyone knows that.
  16. I love how she was worried about you having an STD when she's the one who gave it to you lmfao
  17. Lmfaooo I'm high af reading this
  18. SO OP what happened?! she beat that ass? lol

  19. I love happy endings, thanks karma!
  20. Throat swab, since when do they do that? Each time I've was checked it was a urethra swab and blood tests. Not all STDs can be found in urine The swab is not pleasant
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